Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The powers of concentration should also be developed as this awareness exercise

is practiced. If the mind begins to wander, gently bring it back. Your powers of

concentration will gradually but steadily become enhanced.

During this practice, you may become aware of itching sensations in various parts

of your body. Do not attempt to scratch. Merely observe. Simply be aware of various

body sensations without trying to alter or ignore them. Do not make judgments

or criticisms about these sensations. Accept them as a part of you.

Sensations will come and go in different areas of the body. Study them. It is

sometimes a good idea to verbally express what you are feeling or experiencing.

This exercise will result in a profound relaxation of nervous tension. Daily practice

will heighten the function of self-awareness, something that is vital to the work of

an initiate. All complex ceremonies and rituals actually begin with this heightening

of self-awareness.

No special time period needs to be found to practice this. Lying in bed at night or

in the morning is certainly an excellent time to rehearse body awareness. This exercise

should be done twice daily while in the Neophyte grade. In addition to this,

short periods of temporary pause from activity can be taken throughout the day

during bathing, shaving or dressing, etc., in order to sharpen one's perceptions and

observe what is happening within.c


Obtain a set of ESP cards such as those developed in the parapsychology laboratory

at Duke University (for sale at most occult bookstores). The drawings on

these cards are simple symbols-one symbol per card.

Shuffle the cards. Place the cards face down and place your hand upon the top

card. Make your mind as blank as possible and attempt to guess what image is on

the front of the card (square, circle, cross, waves, or star). Go through the entire

deck in this fashion, at least once daily. Do not get discouraged ifyou do not often

guess correctly. Record your results.c

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