Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheZelator Grade


PART 3: The Closing

Go to the Eastern part of the Hall. There the godform of Osiris traces before you the

symbol of the circled cross, bestowing upon you the office of Hierophant. Taking on

the officer-form of the Hierophant, you knock and say:

Let us adore the Lord and Kingof Earth. (fum to the East and visualize

the Earth triangle. Say:) ADONAI HA-ARETZ, ADONAI

MELEKH, Blessed beThy name unto the countless ages. Amen. (Give

the Sign of Zelator.)

Go Deosil to the North. Stand facing the center of the Earth Tablet. Visualize the

rest of the officer/ godforms falling into a hexagram position behind you. Hiereus

takes his place to right and slightly behind you. Hegemon takes her place to the

left and slightly behind you. Stolistes lines up behind Hiereus and Dadouchos

lines up behind Hegemon. The Keryx is behind you. Recite the Prayer of the

Gnomes or Earth Spirits:

o Invisible King, Who, taking the Earth for Foundation, didsthollow its

depths tofill themwith Thy Almighty Power. Thou whose Nameshaketh

theArches oftheWorld. Thou whocausest theSeven Metals toflow in the

veinsoftherocks, KingoftheSeven Lights, Rewarder ofthesubterranean

Workers, lead us intothedesirable Air andintotheRealm of Splendor. We

watch and we labor unceasingly, we seek and we hope, by the twelve

stones of theHolyCity, by theburied talismans, by theAxis of the Lodestonewhich

passes through the center of the Earth-O Lord, 0 Lord, 0

Lord! Have pity upon those whosuffer. Expand our hearts, unbindand

upraise ourminds, enlarge ournatures.

o Stability andMotion! 0 Darkness veiled in Brilliance! 0 Dayclothed

in Night! 0 Master whonever dostwithhold thewages ofThy Workmen!

o SilverWhiteness-o Golden Splendor! 0 Crown of Livingand Harmonious

Diamond! Thou whowearest theHeavens on Thy Finger likea

ring of Sapphire! Thou Whohidest beneath the Earth in the Kingdom of

Gems, themarvelous Seed oftheStars! Live, reign, andbeThou the Eternal

Dispenser ofthe Treasures whereof Thou hastmade us theWardens.

Through the authority of the office of Hierophant bestowed upon you by Osiris,

banish the powers of the Earth Tablet. Trace with the Scepter of Power a large circle

in front of the Tablet. Then draw the banishing pentagram of Spirit Passive. As

you do so, vibrate "NANTA" (en-nah-en-tah), Trace the sigil of the Spirit wheel in

the center and intone "AGLA" (Ah-gah-lah). Give the Reversal Sign of the Spiraling

Light. Then trace the banishing pentagram of Earth. As you do so, vibrate the

name "EMOR DIALHECTAGA" (Ee-mor Dee-ahl Hect-tay-gah). Draw the sigil of

Taurus in the center and intone "ADONAI." Give the Sign of Zelator.

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