Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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After a period of relaxation has passed, go to the Northeast and say, "HEKAS,

HEKAS, ESTE BEBELOI! Farfrom thissacred place betheprofane!"

Go to the East. With the black end of the wand, perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual

of the Pentagram.

Go the West of the altar. With the white end of the Wand of Double Power, trace a

large letter TAU over the Tarot card. Visualize it in blue-violet (indigo). Intone the

name of the letter twice. Give the Neophyte Signs toward the card. Put the wand

aside, and take the Cubical Cross in your right hand.

With all your powers of concentration, look upon the card and comprehend it,

consider all its meaning and symbolism. Give the Sign of the Zelator. At this point

you may sit comfortably if you wish, but maintain a disassociation from the surrounding

room. Behind the darkness of your closed eyelids, you begin to formulate

the astral temple of the Sephirah Malkuth, as the journey begins.e

From the complete blackness, a dim light appears which permits you to

take in your surroundings. You are in the midst of a great temple with ten sides.

The floor is divided into black and white tiles. The walls are built from large

earthen bricks. Great oak columns support the ceiling which is pure rock crystal.

In the Southern side of the temple is a great roaring hearth, whose fire warms the

otherwise chill air within the temple. Behind you in the West is a great fountain of

sculpted marble in the shape of an eagle with a fish in its claws-water spouts

from the mouth of both creatures. In the Northern part of the temple are two

enormous stones used for grinding wheat. Ablack ox is harnessed to the ancient

milling device, slowly turning it as it crushes the hulls of the grain. At the East of

the temple, is a large brazier of burning incense. The scent of Dittany of Crete fills

the Air. At the center of the temple stands a black altar carved from solid oak. Itis

covered by a cloth divided into the four colors of Malkuth: citrine, russet, olive,

and black. The top of the altar is white, and upon it is a bright burning flame.

Drawing nearer to the light, you intone the Divine Name of this temple,

Adonai ha-Aretz.The flame burns brightly as you do so. Next intone the name of

the Archangel who governs the Forces of this sphere, Sandalphon. Then vibrate the

name of the Angelic order that operates in Malkuth, the Ashim, the Souls of Fire.

Glowing embers dance around the central altar flame. Finally, you vibrate the

name of the temple itself, Malkuth.

Within the swirling clouds of incense, a figure appears in the East. Appearing

as a tall feminine form in robes of citrine, olive, russet and black is the

archangel, Sandalphon with dark hair and compassionate brown eyes. Instinctively,

you give the Sign of the Enterer. Sandalphon answers with the Sign of

Silence. She speaks:

"Youhave entered the Immeasurable Region. This place is called THRAA,

The Gate. Itis the Gate of Justice, The Gate of Lifeand the Gate of Death. The Gate

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