Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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CROSS:Fire-Dynamic energy, active, initiating and stimulating force. Beginning of

things. Movement. Masculine principle. Also impulsive and lacking in endurance.

WAVES: Water-ereative impluse, passive, fertility, instincts, passions, emotions,

cycles. Feminine principle. Also unstable and lacking initiative or reason.

CIRCLE: Air-Intellectual, communicative, adaptable, changeable, mediating, reconciling.

Health matters. Also indecisive and insensitive.

STAR: Spirit-Divine principle, spiritual guidance, inner strength. Illumination

from within. Divine inspiration or assistance.

With these meanings in mind, shuffle the cards and formulate a question. Layout

three cards and put the rest away. (The first card is the central one. The second card

is placed to the right of the first one, and the third card is placed to the left of the first.)

Card1 represents the immediate influences upon the matter of the question. Card2

refers to the past influences which have shaped the matter. And Card 3 symbolizes

the completion of the matter or the influences that are needed to resolve the matter.

Keep in mind that two or three cards of the same Element may come up and serve

to strengthen the Elemental qualities shown. Also remember that Fire and Water

are opposing forces, as are Air and Earth. Air is compatible with Water and Fire,

while Fire is compatible with Air and Earth. Compatible Cards will strengthen

each other, while opposing cards will weaken each other and tend to emphasis the

negative aspects of the Elements.c


For this meditation, the Theoricus will need a black robe, nemyss, and the Outer

Wand of Double Power. A Tarot deck should also be on hand. Prior to the meditation

remove the following cards from the Tarot deck: The Fool, The Magician, The

Empress, Temperance and The Moon.7 5 Put the rest of the deck aside.

Perform a rite of relaxation. With the wand perform the LBRP.

Place the cards on the altar, or on the floor in front of you if you wish to be seated.

The cards should be arranged thus: The farthest (Easternmost) card from you will

be The Fool, below that will be two cards: The Magician and The Empress, to the

right and left respectively. Below them is The Star. The final card, The Moon is at

the bottom, closest to you.

75 Refer to Chapter Four for additional information on these cards.

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