Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Neophyte Grade 19

(outer cloak or tabard) bearing a white cross on the leftbreast, a red collar from which

hangs a white andblack lamen depicting a triangle, the Sword of Strength andSeverity,and

the Banner of the West.

Hegemon (Greek meaning: guide, leader, onewho proceeds first on a path):

The feminine form is Hegemone. Guardian of the Threshold of Entrance and Preparer

of the Way for the Enterer. The symbols and insignia of the Hegemon are the

white mantle (outer cloak or tabard) bearing a red cross on the left breast, a black

collar from which hangs a black and whitelamen depicting a cross, and the miterheaded


Keryx (Greek meaning: herald, one who announces, calls the meeting to

order, and delivers messages): The feminine form is Kerykissa. Watcher for the

gods. The Watcher within the temple. The symbols and insignia of the Keryx are

the red lamp, a black collar from which hangs a white and black lamen depicting

a Caduceus, and the Caduceus Wand.

Stolistes (Greek meaning: preparer, decorator, one who sees that all ritual

clothing and ornamentation are in readiness. Comes from the root word stolos which

indicates preparation of ships for war, by water): The feminine form is also Stolistes.

The Affirmer of the Powers of Water. The Light shining through the Waters upon

Earth. The symbols and insignia of the Stolistes are a black collar from which hangs

a white and black lamen depicting a cup, and the chalice of Water.

Dadouchos (Greek meaning: torch bearer. In the Eleusinian Mysteries, the

woman who holds the torch as a symbol of the way by which Demeter searched

for her daughter): The feminine form is Dadouche. The Affirmer of the Powers of

Fire. Perfection through Fire manifesting on Earth. The symbols and insignia of

the Dadouchos are a black collar from which hangs a white and black lamen

depicting a Swastika or Fylfot Cross, and the censer of incense.

Phylax (Greek meaning: sentinel, guardian): The feminine form is Phylakissa.

The Watcher without the temple. The symbols and insignia of the Phylax are a black

collar from which hangs a white and black lamen depicting an eye, and a sword.

The ceremonies in this book are challenging in the respect that a certain

amount of the ritual work presented is physical and a certain amount is astral.

Among the physical temple implements that the student will have to provide are

the altar, cross and triangle, pillars;"banners, chalice, censer of incense, Elements

for the altar, five candles in the Elemental colors, a sword, lamp, wands for the

Hierophant, Hegemon, and Keryx, and the lamens of all the officers.l"

The stations of all the officers are to be marked within the temple by the

placement of the cardboard lamens. Most of the ritual work dealing with the officers

and the godforms who govern them is done on the astral level. The aspirantwill be

17 At this stage in the student's spiritual development, it is not required that s/he construct a fully

accurate set of pillars. The pillars may be simple large cardboard tubes, one black and the other

white. The pillars may even be fashioned outof long single strips of cloth hung from the ceiling.

18 The aspirant may elect to paint the symbols of the banners, cross and triangle, and lamens on

sheets of posterboard or paper in the appropriate colors. The wands can be fashioned outof dowels

with simple cardboard wand-heads. See ourbook Secrets ofa Golden Dawn Temple for more information

about making these implements.

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