Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Neophyte Grade


The Mystical Words-KHABS AM PEKHT-are ancient Egyptian, and

are theorigin of the Greek "KONX OM PAX" which wasuttered at the

Eleusinian Mysteries. A literal translation would be"Light rushing outin

oneRay,"and theysignifythesame form of Light as thatsymbolized by


East ofthe Double Cubical Altarofcreated things are thePillars ofHermes

andof Solomon. On these are painted certain Hieroglyphics from the17th

and125th chapters oftheBook oftheDead. They are thesymbols ofthetwo

powers ofday andnight, love andhate, work andrest, thesubtleforce ofthe

lodestone andtheeternal out-pouring andin-pouring oftheHeart ofGod.

The lamps thatbum, though withaveiled light, upon their summitsshow

that thepathway to Hidden Knowledge, unlike thepathway ofNaturewhich

is a continual undulation, the windinghither and thither of the

Serpent-is thestraight andnarroui waybetween them.

It was because ofthis that I stepped between the Pillars toreceive theLight

andtoreceive thefourth andfinal consecration. Two contending Forces and

one which unites them eternally. Two basal angles of thetriangle andone

which forms theapex. Such is theorigin ofCreation-it is theTriad ofLife.

The throne of the Hierophant at the gate of the East is the place of the

Guardian oftheDawning Sun. The throne oftheHiereus at thegate ofthe

West is theplace oftheGuardian against themultitudes that sleep through

the Light and awaken at the twilight. The throne of theHegemon seated

between thecolumns is theplace of Balanced Power, between theultimate

Light andtheultimate Darkness.

The wandoftheKeryx is thebeam ofLight from theHidden Wisdom, and

his lamp is an emblem of theever-burning lamp of the Guardian of the


The seat of the Stolistes at the gate of the North is the place of the

Guardian of theCauldron and thewellof Water-ofcold and moisture.

The seat of the Dadouchos at the gate of the South is the place of the

Guardian oftheLakeofFire andtheBurning Bush.

Go to the Southwest to face the astral figure of Anubis of the East. The god traces

. the sigil of the Caduceus before you. Take up the Caduceus Wand and the lantern.

Walk deosil to the Northeast and say:

In thename of theLord of the Universe, who works in silence andwhom

naught but silence can express, hear yeall,thatI (give magical motto)

proclaim to have duly initiated myselfinto theGolden Dawn current of

magic asa Neophyte of the0 = 0 grade.

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