Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The only Planet assigned to this grade is Terra Firma, the Planet Earth

beneath our feet. This is perhaps only one of the reasons why the Zelator grade has

such a profound effect on those who attain it. The Zelator Ritual is also meant to

ground the candidate firmly in the stabilizing Element of Earth. One of its primary

functions is to strengthen the candidate in both mind and bodyfor the difficultwork

of alchemical transformation which lies ahead. Infact the Zelator Ritual is often said

to be the only true initiation ceremony out of all the Elemental grades-the rest

being advancements which continue the process started in the 1 = 10.This is due to

the fact that the Zelator ritual establishes the aspirant firmly in Earth ofMalkuth, and

the three grades beyond the 1 = 10explore the other sub-Elements of Malkuth.

The task of a Golden Dawn magician is not an easy one-the very act of

advancing through the grades will accelerate any stresses (physical, personal, or

mental) that lie dormant within the candidate. Any such difficulties must be confronted

and resolved before taking any further grade initiations. This is one of the

reasons why we suggest that the student of this course spend a good deal of time

in each grade.

The 1 = 10 is also well known as the grade that will separate the wheat

from the chaff. Many of those individuals who reach this level, butwhose primary

motives for getting involved in magic are questionable (escapism, cravings for

power or title, or adherence to the current magical "fad") will drop outbecause of

the "filter" effect of the Zelator Ceremony.All of the Elemental grades act to screen

out those who cannot bear the task of transformation, but the main thrust of this

filtering effect will be felt in the 1 =10 grade. Israel Regardie often stated that if a

magician couldn't function in the Earthy material World of Malkuth, then he had

no business attempting to reach the Higher Realms.

The ceremony of the Zelator can be briefly summarized as follows: As in

all of the initiation ceremonies presented in this book, the goddess Thme, representative

of the candidate's Higher Self,is called upon to safely arbitrate between

the divine powers and the aspirant. (Note: Ahexagram is formed by the positions

of the astral officer/godforms twice in the ceremony, both at the opening and at

the closing when the Elemental powers of Earth are being addressed.) After the

forces of Elemental Earth are invoked, the candidate is tested on the secrets of the

Neophyte grade. The aspirant then swears a further oath and is ceremonially

brought to two stations-that of Evil and that of Good. At both of these stations,

the Guardians of the Paths repel the unprepared candidate. The aspirant then

takes the Middle Path of Equilibrium where s/he is again barred by the

Guardians, but eventually the way is cleared by the Guardian of the Celestial Soul.

It is during this journey along the path of balance that the stabilizing Element of

Earth is established within the aura of the aspirant, so that eventually s/he may

prove to be a worthy vessel of the Divine Spirit. The aspirant is at this point a living

cross of manifestation within the whitetriangle ofart formed by the officer/ godforms

and represented by the diagram at his/her feet.

In the beginning of this ritual the altar occupies a position much farther

East than its previous position in the Neophyte Hall. The pillars are moved well

toward the West of the temple. The officers' stations in the Zelator Hall are six in

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