Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheNeophyte Grade 59

SECTION 5: The Sephiroth


The Hebrew Qabalists referred the highest and most abstract


ideas to ten emanations of deity which are called the Sephiroth

_ (sef-eer-oth), Singularly they are called Sephirah. When arranged

.. in a certain manner, the ten Sephiroth and the twenty-two paths

which connect them form the Tree of Life. Together, the Ten Sephiroth

and the Twenty-two Paths comprise what are called the

Thirty-twoPaths of Wisdom.

The Tree of Life is the single most important symbol of the Qabalah. Just a

glance at its diagramwill reveal it to be a system of perfect mathematics, symmetry,

and beauty. It is represented as ten circles or orbs known as the Sephiroth, which is

said to mean "Numbers," "Spheres" and "Emanations."21 Some have seen the

Sephiroth as divine powers or vessels. Others regard them as divine tools or instruments

of the Eternal (although notseparated from the Eternal like human tools are).

All agree, however, that the Sephiroth express divine attributions or essences that

are organized into an archetypal pattern which is the model for everything that has

come into the manifest universe. The relationships implied in the Tree of Life underscore

the whole of existence, and so the attributes of the Sephiroth may be found in

any branch of knowledge. Although their basic definition confirms them as characteristics

of the Divine, they can be described in terms of human experience because

men and women are formed as stated before, in the image of the Divine.

One essential aspect of the Sephiroth is that they are placed upon the Tree

of Life in perfect juxtaposition, so that each Sephirah counterbalances one on the

opposite side of the Tree. The ten Sephiroth emanate from the Three Negative Veils

of Existence (various abstract stages of "nothingness") in succession as if "one candle

were lit from another without the Emanator being diminished in any way"

and in a specific order. They are not seen as being separated from the Source. The

Qabalists agree that there are ten because ten is a perfect number, one which

includes every digit without repetition, and contains the total essence of all numbers.

The number ten is therefore an all-embracing number. Outside of ten there

exists no other such number, because what is beyond ten returns again to units.

The Pillars

The most important configuration which occurs on the Tree is that of threepillars

formed by the natural succession of the Sephiroth. The left-hand pillar, also called

the Pillar ofSeverity, consists of the spheres of Binah, Geburah, and Hod. The righthand

pillar, known as the Pillar ofMercy, is comprised of the spheres of Chokmah,

Chesed, and Netzach. The central spheres of Kether, Tiphareth, Yesod, and

Malkuth form the Middle Pillar, or the Pillar ofMildness.

The right-hand or white pillar is described as masculine, positive and

active. It is also known as the Pillar of Force. The left-hand or black pillar is feminine,

negative and passive. This pillar is called the Pillar of Form. The black and

21 The word Sephirah is derived from the root word 'JlC, from which come sepher-"book," siphar­

"number," sippur-"story," and sipper-"to tell."

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