Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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SECTION 4: Qabalah-The Parts of the Soul

The Soul is divided by the Qabalists into three principal parts.

These are the Neshamah, the Ruach, and the Nephesh. The

NESHAMAH (nQet~) is the first and highest part, answering to the

three Supernal Sephiroth of Kether, Chokmah and Binah. It corresponds

to the highest aspirations of the Soul, and what Freud called

the superego. The Neshamah is further subdivided into three parts.

These are the Yechidah (n,~n~), the Chiah (n~n), and the Neshamah (nQet~).

The Yechidah is centered in Kether. It is our true and immortal Divine Self.

The Chiah, located in Chokmah is our inquisitive urge to become more than

human-it is our True Will. Both the Yechidah and the Chiah are archetypal in

essence and thus they are somewhatbeyond the scope of our understanding. The

final subdivision, the Neshamah is placed in Binah, although it lends its name to

the other Supernals as being generally descriptive of the Soul's greatest aspirations.

This is our true desire or highest state of consciousness-the intuitive power

that connects humankind with the Divine. According to the ancient Qabalists, this

part of the Soul remains dormant in the average person until s/he awakens spiritually

and uncovers the powers of mystical comprehension. The descent of the

Neshamah into the student's field of awareness occurs through the "holy union"

of the "king" and "queen," (Tiphareth and Malkuth). A dialogue between the

Higher Self and the Lower Self must be opened up for this descent to occur.

RUACH: (m.,) The middle part of the Soul is located in the five Sephiroth

from Chesed to Yesod, although it is centered in Tiphareth. This is the conscious

part of our being which is also known as the Ego. It is the mind and reasoning

powers, as well as the seat of "outer" consciousness, where humanity becomes

aware of thought-images and is able to fashion thoughts into actions. The Ruach

represents an intermediate stage between the highest and lowest portions of the

Soul where the ethical power to distinguish between good and evil is called into

play. Itis here where the individual can choose to focus either on secular and temporary

desires, or on higher spiritual goals.

NEPHESH: (etll~) The lowest part of the human Soul resides in Yesod.

This is the dark side or Shadow-self of the Soul, answering unto the animal vitality

and primal instincts. It is however a very important part which ties humanity

to the physical world of the elements and our animal ancestors. Entering the

human body at birth, the Nephesh is the first part of the Soul to be activated in

every human being.

The Nephesh represents those basic desires that run contrary to society and

to our own ideals of behavior and personality. This is the dark underside of the

consciousness that dwells in the Ruach-the human mind. However, there can be

no Lightwithout Darkness, no day without night. Proper use of the vital, stimulating

Nephesh energy is important in some aspects of magic, but it must always

remain under the firm control of the Ruach. The Lower Soul or Nephesh can arouse

the Middle Soul (Ruach) which in tumcan stimulate the Neshamah or Divine Soul.

This triggers the descent of the Neshamah down through the lower portions of the

Soul, bringing to the individual a conscious recognition of the Divine Self.

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