Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 197

The symbol of the Sun is at the center of the

cross at the point of stillness, while the Zodiacal

Signs divided into the four Triplicities make up the

arms of the cross. The Cardinal Signs all begin at the

center of the cross, followed by the Fixed and Mutable

Signs. The Arms terminate with the Elemental

symbols of each Triplicity.The whole cross represents .n.

the center of the universe giving rise to the celestial

Signs, which then formulate the Elements of the nA

physical world.

Since the Fylfot is originally formed out of The Fly/at Cross

twenty-five squares, this cross also has an affinity with

Fire. Twenty-five is the number of squares forming the Qamea or magical square of

Mars. According to J. E. Cirlot (A Dictionary of Symbols), all the words for "cross"

(crux, cruz,crowz, croaz, krois, krouz) have a common etymological basis in -ak, -ur,or

-os, signifying the "light of the Great Fire." (This is also one reason why the lamen

of the Dadouchos consists of this symbol.)

The Fylfot Cross is a symbol of an equal-armed cross with four arms

appearing to rotate in the same direction around a central axis. During the Iron

Age the Swastika represented the supreme deity. In the Middle Ages, the general

interpretation of the figure was that it symbolized movement and the power of the

Sun. This cross also signifies the action of the origin of the universe.

In addition, the Fylfot is a symbol attributed to the first Sephirah, Kether.

Here it represents the four latent (Primal) Elements whose energies are united in

Kether, activated by the PrimumMobile or First Whirlings. These energies are finally

differentiated into the four base Elements of Fire,Water,Air and Earth upon reaching

the level of Malkuth on the Tree. The FylfotCross, given to the candidate in the Zelator

grade, points out a close relationship that exists between Kether and Malkuth.

The Table of Shewbread: In the Zelator Ritual, this diagram depicting the

twelve Simple Letters of the Hebrew alphabet and their associated Zodiacal Signs

is thoroughly explained. (Refer to the initiation ceremony.) The top of the dodekagram

or twelve-sided figure points to Aries, and the letter Heh in the East, while

the bottom tip of the figure points to libra and the letter Lamed in the West. The

Archangels and Kerubic emblems are shown in their proper quarters. The central

pentagram which represents the Great Mother of Heaven through the letter Heh

(5),points toward a position between the Signs of Aries and Pisces, thus referring

to a point in the prismatic color wheel where red intersects red-violet. This is the

point at which the invisible colors of infrared and ultraviolet are formed. The red

color of Aries represents the beginning of the color wheel, whereas Pisces indicates

the end (Alpha and Omega). The flames seen in the center of the Pentagram

refer to the rays of the Sun.

The Seven-Branched Candlestick: This diagram which portrays the seven

Double letters of the Hebrew alphabet along with their seven corresponding Planets

is fully explained in the Zelator Ritual. However a couple of points concerning

the diagram need to be mentioned. The heptagram in the center is the key to the

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