Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 149

nymphs, Water sprites, mermaids and nereids, They are said to be vital, graceful

and generally beneficent to humans. The Queen of the Water spirits is called

Nichsa. These beings are assigned to the Western quarter of creation.

SALAMANDERS: The strongest and most powerful of the Elementals,

the Salamanders live in that spiritual ether which is the invisible Fire of Nature.

Physical Fire and warmth cannot exist without them. The Salamanders work

through the emotional nature of humans and animals by means of the bloodstream

and body heat. They also exert influence over all fiery-tempered beings.

They are said to be the most difficult of all Elementals to communicate with,

owing to the incineratory nature of their Element. However the smoke of burning

incense is a medium for their expression. Salamanders vary in size and appearance,

from fiery balls or tongues of flame to mythological armored figures and

fiery lizard-like creatures. In temperament they are dangerous and unpredictable.

Their mighty King is an awe-inspiring flaming Spirit known as Djin. The Salamanders

are assigned to the Southern quarter of creation.x)

SECTION 4: Tetragrammaton and the Kerubim


Tetragrammaton is a Greek word that means "Four-Lettered

This alludes to the unknowable and unpronounceable

name of God symbolized by the Hebrew letters Yod Heh Vav

, , Heh.38 Each of these four letters is assigned to one of the four


. Elements of Nature: Yod-Fire, Heh-Water, Vav-Air, and Heh

final [or Heh Sophith]-Earth.

These letters portray the balance inherent to the Qabalistic system, for Yod­

Fire and Vav-Air are masculine, positive energies, while Heh-Water and Heh Final­

Earth are feminineandnegative potencies. The Tetragrammaton is the cornerstone of

the fourfold model of the manifest universe. It indicates that the Divine is a unified

whole which contains within itself all opposites in balanced disposition. Legend

has it that the proper understanding and pronunciation of this Supreme

Name of God are the Keys to divine power.

The Kerubim, "the Strong Ones," are the living Powers of Tetragrammaton

on the Material Plane and the Presidents of the four Elements. They operate

through the Fixed orKerubic Signs of the Zodiac:

Kerub of Fire: ARYEH, the Lion, attributed to the Sign LEO

Kerub of Water: NESHER, the Eagle, attributed to the Sign SCORPIO

Kerub ofAir: ADAM, the Man, attributed to the Sign AQUARIUS

Kerub of Earth: SHOR, the Bull, attributed to the Sign TAURUS

The Kerubim are the guardians of the four Cardinal points and the four

.rivers which flow down the Tree of Life from the Creator. In Genesis the Kerubim

were the Angels who hid the Garden of Eden from the sight of a fallen humanity.

They were also the four creatures seen in Ezekiel's vision. x)

38 The name Jehovah is a transcription of the Four-lettered nameYHVH.

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