Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheTheoricus Grade 303

See the cards before you as representations of the parts of the Soul. Yechidah, Chiah,

Neshamah, Ruach and Nephesh. (Your own physical body represents the G'uph.)

Contemplate the cards for a few moments, observing their symbolism and coloring.

Close your eyes and begin breathing rhythmically after the manner of the Fourfold

Breath. Continue breathing in this fashion for a few minutes before proceeding

with the following visualization:

Picture The Fool card in your mind's eye. This is the card chosen to represent the

Yechidah, centered in Kether. The 0 Key of the Tarot (also called the Spirit of Ether)

is attributed to Aleph (the first Hebrew letter) which indicates absolute unity. The

childlike innocence of The Fool represents extreme proximity to the Unmanifest;

it is the absolute beginning ofallpossibilities, including the very root essence of spiritual

nature. This is a glyph of the True, Immortal Self. Contemplate these ideas

for a few minutes before continuing.

Visualize The Magician card before you. The First Key of the Tarot has been

selected to represent the Chiah, located in Chokmah. The Magician or Magus of

Power is an extension of The Fool. The Magician has the ability toact upon those

thoughts created by the Fool. He represents the True Willand the inquisitive urge

to become more than human. Spend some time contemplating these ideas.

Imagine The Empress card in front of you. The Third Tarot Key has been chosen

to represent The Neshamah, stationed in Binah. The Empress symbolizes the

Soul's True Aspiration or supreme state of consciousness-a higher universal

love-the intuitivepower that connects humanity with the Divine. She is the Key

to the formation and unification of the universe. Meditate upon these concepts

for a few moments.

VISualize these three cards together as generally representative of the highest aspirations

of the Soul. Together, they comprise the "Superego," the "Oversoul" or the

divine part of us which is eternal. As a group, all of these various parts of the

greater Neshamah can be visualized by concentrating on the Tarot card of the

Empress, the portion of the Triad which is closest to our conscious awareness.

Picture the Temperance card within your mind's eye. This card has been chosen to

represent the Ruach, located in the five Sephiroth from Chesed to Yesod, but centered

in Tiphareth. The Ruach symbolizes a middle stage between the Highest and

lowest portions of the Soul where the ethical power to distinguish between good

and evil is brought into operation. This conscious part of our being (intellect or

ego) is the mind and reasoning powers where humanity is able to fashion

thoughts into actions. The Temperance card alludes to a conscious exchange of

energies between right and left, masculine and feminine and also between the

higher and lower states of consciousness. It is therefore an important channel of

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