Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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to take place, the Lower Personality must be reoriented and realigned with the

aspirations of the Higher Self. This requires a total shift in outlook and a singleminded

devotion for the Divine Union. It also requires self-sacrifice on the part

of the Lower Personality-the part of the psyche which is ruled by the principles

of "me first" and "I want." To the average secular person, sacrificing the needs of

the Lower Personality seems foolish, but the submission of the Lower to the

Higher Divine Self truly results in the attainment of something which is far more

satisfying and durable than momentary wants and desires.

The act of initiation is of prime importance to spiritual growth and personal

evolution. As the Personality is gradually taught through magical studies, and

moved into an alignment with the Higher Self through purification and ritual

work, the Divine Light begins to permeate the aura (the sphere of sensation) of the

individual. The seed that an initiation plants within the soul of the magician is a

perpetual one that will remain intact throughout many different incarnations,

growing stronger as the person rediscovers his/her psychic abilities with each new

life cycle. None of this mystical knowledge is ever lost when an initiate undergoes

physical death; it is recovered at the appropriate time in the next incarnation, and

the process of mystical growth continues from the point where it left off. Spiritual

evolution can take many life cycles to fully complete. The ultimate goal of an initiate

undergoing this progression lifetime after lifetime is total and perfect union

with the Divine Self, which frees him/her from the karmic wheel and the need to

incarnate further into a physical body. At this pinnacle of spiritual attainment, the

initiate has the choice of remaining in the glory of the Godhead or returning to

physical form in order to teach and help other initiates who are "less evolved."

Spiritual growth is an essential step in human evolution. In the not-so-distant

past, animal species that failed to evolve in order to meet the challenges of a

changing environment died out. Humanity, too, needs to evolve in order to confront

the difficult challenges of a world which is experiencing great ecological

threats, a skyrocketing population explosion, and rampant violence committed

against human beings in the name of race, religion, and resources. As the primary

cause of all these problems, it is humanity's obligation to evolve spiritually and

wisely, in order to correct them. If we as a species fail to evolve in this fashion,

then we truly run the risk of extinction.

Failure to achieve an initiation on whatever level in any given spiritual path

or current is usually due to the unwillingness of the individual to sacrifice the petty

needs and wants of the Lower Personality for that which is Higher. The Personality

and its attendant mental archetypes are quite comfortable in the mundane

world and will often put up a fight when threatened with change-intensifying

their needs and desires in order to distract the initiate from the spiritual path. The

Higher Powers who keep guard over certain magical currents can also placeobstacles

(both mental and physical) directly in the path of the student, not merely to

discourage, but to test the mettle of the would-be initiate. (In a materialistic society,

the pocketbook of the student is a favorite target of these guardians.) Those students

who quickly crumble under the weight of such deterrents will inevitably fail,

while those who bear the burden with tenacity and fortitude will triumph in the

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