Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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This difficult yet challenging aspect calls for a change in attitude and old

familiar routines. Itsignifies a necessity to adjust to the conditions dictated by the

Planets and the houses involved.


Angle: 60 0 Orb: 50



A sextile occurs when two Planets are 60 degrees (two Signs) apart. This aspect

characterizes Signs that are of the same elemental "gender": active/positive Signs

or passive/negative Signs.(Water and Earth Signs can sextile each other-Air and

Fire Signs can do the same.)

The sextile promotes compatibility, affliation, communication, andexchange

of understanding and expression between two Planets. Itencourages a blending and

integration between the Planetary energies resulting in cooperation. However, these

qualities mustbe actively and consciously engaged in order to benefit from them.


Angle: 30 0 Orb: 1 0

Considered: Favorable

Key word: SUPPORT

A semi-sextile occurs when two Planets are 30 degrees (one Sign) apart. This

aspect is of mixed quality-it is rhythmically favorable, yet it involves Planets

located in inharmonious Signs. The two Planets will support each other in an

external sense, but will not share any true inner communication. This aspect is

not considered to be very strong.e

Erecting a Natal Chart

Once the student has committed to memory the astrological basics given in the previous

chapters concerning the Signs, the Planets, the houses, and the aspects, the

next step is to erect a birthchart. Toaccomplish this, the student will need to obtain

certain natal information and additional books to aid in the mathematical calculations.

For the purpose of this study course, we recommend that the reader beginby

figuring out his/her own natal chart.

One essential fact that can never be overstated is the importance of keeping

a written record of all your horoscope calculations. Of course the student

should keep a record of all magical workings, meditations, grade work, and the

like, but for accurate chart casting this is imperative.

Time ofBirth:

It is important to know the exact time of birth. A copy of your Birth Certificate

which canbe found on file at the State Board of Health is the most accurate record

of this. Other sources include baby books, hospital records or possibly the family

Bible. A written record should always be sought out, if possible.

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