Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 101

number: Hierophant, Hiereus, Hegemon, Keryx, Stolistes, and Dadouchos. (The

station of the Phylax remains outside the Hall.) During the initial part of the ceremony,

the stations of these six officers form a triangle, the emblem of Supernal

revelation and the symbol of magical evocation. The three lesser officers compose

the base, Hiereus and Hegemon (representatives of the opposing Light and Darkness)

are beside the altar, and the Hierophant, who personifies the higher powers,

is situated at the apex. This triangle, apex upwards, is also a triangle of Fire, which

points out a curious relationship that exists between the letters Yod (Fire) and Heh

Final (Earth) of Tetragrammaton. (Keep in mind that the group of Angels assigned

to Malkuth is known as the Ashim, or the "Souls of Fire." The Admission Badge of

this grade, the Fylfot Cross or Swastika, is another key to the puzzle, because it is

formed from seventeen squares out of a square of twenty-five lesser squares.

Twenty-five is also the number of squares attributed to the Qamea of Mars.) Thus

initiation into the Earthy Zelator grade and the sphere of Malkuth indicates that a

certain amount of Fire energy is also involved. Since advancement through the

Elemental grades symbolizes an Alchemical process of examination and dissolution

within the aspirant, it is no surprise that we find a fiery undercurrent infiltrating

this initial step onto the Tree of Life.

In the next portion of the ceremony the candidate is then allowed to enter

the sanctuary, where s/he symbolically treads the path of a Priest of the Hebrew

mysteries. The symbolism of the ancient Tabernacle in the Wilderness, the first

physical Qabalistic temple in Malkuth, is gradually revealed to the aspirant. This

and other symbolism relating to the Earth grade are disclosed until finally the

Earth powers are released.

During this segment in the ritual, the stations of the officers form a cross.

The shaft of the cross is created by the three primary officer / godforms in alignment

with the altar, while the stations of Stolistes and Dadouchos compose the

crossbar. This cross formation stresses the four Elements as a balanced "whole"

within the manifest universe, as well as the four sub-Elements of Malkuth. It also

implies the need for the balance of psychic Elements within the candidate as well.

(Note that the cross surrounded by a circle is the symbol of Malkuth.) The fact that

the cross here is composed of five officers (not four or six) alludes to the pentagram,

the number of man-the microcosm, and the initiate. But it also refers to the

fifth Element of Spirit which surmounts and guides the other four.

Godfonns of the Outer Order Grades

Unlike the Neophyte grade, the specific godforms to be employed in the remaining

Outer Order grades are not setandcarved in stone. In the Hermetic community there

are differing opinions as to which godforms are present in the Elemental grades. For

the purposes of thiscourse, we have chosen to use the godforms first introduced in

the Neophyte grade: Hierophant =Osiris, Hiereus =Horus, Hegemon =Thme, etc.

The Zelator initiation ceremony introduces three important Archangelic

forms to the candidate. They can be visualized during the ritual using the following


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