Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 207

Then stand upright with the legs slightly apart. Take a deep breath and exhale,

expelling all of your air as you let yourself fall forward from the waist, completely

relaxed, hands hanging near the feet for a moment. Allow yourself to be

totally limp from the waist up. Inhale and bring yourself back to the full standing

position. Repeat this process about a dozen times. Be aware only of the various

body sensations.

The actual relaxation exercise which lasts approximately one half hour can now

begin. Take some very deep breaths. Sit or lie down on the floor, and remain aware

only of what the body is feeling.

Visualize your brain, just as you have seen the human brain in drawings-a large

gray-white walnutshaped organ, divided into two hemispheres. Imagine it clearly.

Concentrate. Do not allow your mind to wander from the visualization. If your

mind wanders, gentlybring it back. Hold the image of the brain in your mind until

you begin to feel a warmth spreading out from the center of your head. Imagine

yourself stimulating the flow of blood to the brain, relaxing the blood vessels there.

You may be aware of a gentle tingling sensation. Picture the blood vessels within

the brain, dilating enough to hold larger amounts of blood. This turns the brain

pink, resulting in the sensation of warmth that you are experiencing.

Move on to the eyes, visualizing them as two balls held into place by muscles.

Imagine the muscles become enlarged as you channel more blood to the area. This

stimulates the feeling of warmth. Then relax, imagining the eyeballs sinking back

gently into their sockets.

Follow this procedure for the rest of the head-visualizing the warming blood

flowing into the blood vessels of the temples, cheeks, ears, nose, lips, tongue and

chin. Inall cases, feel the warmth and the tingling of the blood, gradually followed

by the feeling of relaxation.

You should now be approximately ten minutes into the exercise. The time remaining

should be spent visualizing the rest of the body in the same manner: The neck,

shoulders and abdominal area. (The more you relax the abdomen, the more likely it

is that the rest of the bodywill relax also.)

Finally imagine the current of blood separating into two mighty arterial rivers

of blood which flow from the pelvis into the thighs, legs, feet and toes. Relax


Once you have completed this cycle of relaxation, observe how you feel. Let a

sense of total relaxation and fulfillment be permanently recorded in your mind.

Feel the pleasure of the moment. Impress the image thoroughly and strongly upon

your mind. Ifyou are able to remember this experience clearly, it canbe evoked at

any time. Whether you are driving a car or riding on an airliner, you can remem-

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