Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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2. All physical manifestation exists by virtue of a Law of

Polarity or Duality. Any concept can be sufficiently defined

in relation to its opposite: male/female, sun/moon, spirit/

body, etc.

3. All physical manifestation, whether Vegetable, Animal or

Mineral (the so-called Three Kingdoms), is composed of

Spirit, Soul, and Body: thethree Alchemic Principles.

4. All Alchemical work, whether practical laboratory work

or spiritual Alchemy, consists of three basic evolutionary

processes: Separation, Purification, and Cohobation (or

recombination). These three evolutionary processes are

also the work of Nature.

5. All matter is composed of thefour Elements of Fire (thermal

energy), Water (liquid), Air (gas), and Earth (solid).

The knowledge and skillful use of the four Elements is an

essential part of Alchemical work.

6. The Quintessence or Fifth Essence is contained with the

four Elements but is not one of them. It is one of the Three

Essential Principles, also called the Philosophic Mercury.

7. Everything moves towards its preordained state of


In its popular (limited) definition, Alchemy is an empirical science which

concerns itself with the transmutation of base metals into gold. For many the

word Alchemy conjures up an image of a crude laboratory where foolhardy

pseudo-scientists labor to tum lead into gold so that they may spend their lives

living in a state of luxury. However Alchemy's true definition encompasses the

doctrine of the transformation of humanity to a higher stage. The treatises of

Alchemy are not only chemical in nature, but also mystical and magical. Certainly

many Alchemists left behind a vast amount of information to prove the fact that

one version of Alchemy was primarily practical and chemical in nature. On the

other hand, the principal interest of many Alchemical philosophers was spiritual.

These Alchemists did not look merely for the substance of gold, they sought to

give the quality of gold to their own being-to transmute the base metals (gross

and impure parts of their own nature) to spiritual gold (wisdom). To them gold,

the metal which never tarnishes and cannot be corrupted by Fire or Water, was a

symbol of illumination and salvation.

Alchemy is the Art and Scienceof transformation. Thisis not an easily understood

art, because the primal mediumof Alchemical expression is through the use of

allegory and mythological symbols, which can be interpreted simultaneously both at

a material and a spiritual level. The primary goal of Alchemy is to bring all things,

including humanity, to its preordained state of perfection. To that end the Alchemi-

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