Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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exaltation). When a Planet is in the Sign directly opposite to the one it rules, it is in

the Sign of its detriment. Also, when a Planet is in the Sign opposite of its exaltation,

it is in the Sign of its fall. Thus a Planet's dignity and its exaltation are harmonious

with its energy, while its detriment and its fall are contrary to the Planet's

energy. To get a better idea of the energies and associations of each Planet, the following

explanations are provided."

» LUNA (The Moon)

Rules: Cancer Exaltation: Taurus

Detriment: Capricorn Fall: Scorpio

Represents: domestic, nurturing urge

Key word: EMOTIONS

Luna is a Roman name identified with Diana, goddess of the Moon. The Moon

embodies the primary female principle and women in general. It encompasses

instincts, moods, feelings, habits, the subconscious, tides, phases, reflexes, reflections,

alternations, and receptivity. Luna rules needs, desires, personal interests,

magnetism, liquids, impressionability, fertility, and growth. The Moon's action

changes and fluctuates.


Rules: Gemini, Virgo Exaltation: Aquarius

Detriment: Sagittarius, Pisces Fall: Leo

Represents: intellectual, expressive urge


Mercury is named after the fleet-footed Roman messenger god. Mercury governs

communication, reason, intellect, rationalization, awareness, perceptions, adroitness,

opinions, transmission, words, speaking, writing, mailings, and means of

expression. In addition Mercury deals with family, children, siblings, social contacts,

day-to-day activities, travel, and transportation. This Planet's action is rapid,

unpredictable, and explosive.


Rules: Taurus, Libra Exaltation: Pisces

Detriment: Scorpio, Aries Fall: Virgo

Represents: social urge, values


Venus, the Planet of Love, named after the Roman goddess, was in ancient times

nicknamed the Lesser Benefic. It governs pleasure, natural love, sensuality, socia-

20 Note that here the Planets are given in the order of their speed, whereas in most other Golden

Dawn listings they are given in a reverse order according to their attribution to the Sephiroth

descending the Tree of Life.

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