Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheNeophyte Grade 51

bility, attraction, interaction, art, music, poetry, drama, song, culture, beauty, possessions,

jewelry, candy, sentiments, color, marriage, and unions. Its action is mild

and harmonious.

o SOL (The Sun)

Rules: Leo Exaltation: Aries

Detriment: Aquarius Fall: Libra

Represents: Power urge, ego, personality


Sol is the Roman name of the invincible Sun deity. It is the origin of the word

"Solar." Sol represents the primary masculine principle and men in general. It is

also the fundamental expression of the individual, displaying qualities of success

and leadership. Sol governs health, vitality, personal fulfillment, energy, essential

principles, authority, command, rank, office, title, advancement, identity, and

capacity for experience. The Sun's action is energizing and stimulating.


Rules: Aries (co-rules Scorpio) Exaltation: Capricorn

Detriment: Libra (Taurus) Fall: Cancer

Represents: Aggressive urge, initiative, action

Keyword: ENERGY

The Planet Mars, named after the Roman god of war, was referred to by the

Ancients as the Lesser Malefic. It governs desires, sexual energies, focused energies,

dynamic action, animal nature, force, power, strife, strain, adversity, work,

achievement, competition, and death. Mars also rules weapons, war, accidents,

violence, surgery, tools, iron, and steel. The action of this Planet is sudden, forceful,

and disruptive. The energy of Mars can be used violently and destructively or

with valor and fortitude.


Rules: Sagittarius (sub-rules Pisces) Exaltation: Cancer

Detriment: Gemini (Virgo) Fall: Capricorn

Represents: compassionate, protective urge


Jupiter, named after the primary Roman god was called the Greater Benefic by the

ancients. Jupiter is the lawmaker, the judge, and the benefactor of humankind. This

Planet rules leisure time, wealth, growth, prosperity, opportunity, assimilation,

indulgence, optimism, big business, morality, the higher (abstract) mind, higher

education, ambitions, philosophy, and luck. Jupiter'S action is orderly and efficient

and fosters growth and increase.

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