Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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with the satyrs, because of their shared physical appearance.)

Satyrs delighted in chasing nymphs and and were

attracted to the pursuit of pleasure. They were also the faithful

companions of the god Dionysus.

The SILENI were rural genii of springs and rivers whose

name appears to mean "water which bubbles as it flows."

Unlike the satyrs, whose bodies were derived from hegoats,

thebodies of the sileni were derived from horses, an

animal symbolic of water. They possessed the ears, tail and

hooves of horses.

PAN: The Greek god of the woods and forests, Pan is also

the god of herds and wild places. He is depicted with the

horns, haunches, legs and hooves of a goat. This god often

carries the syrinx or panpipes.

FLORA: The Roman goddess of Spring and vegetation.

CERNUNNOS: The Celtic homed god and universal Father-god. He is usually

shown as a man with stag's horns, wearing a golden neck ring and sitting crosslegged.

Cernunnos is sometimes portrayed as having three heads. At times he is



by a homed serpent and a stag.e

SECTION 9: Admission Badges and Diagrams

The Solid Greek Cubical C/V5S is the Admission Badge for the 32nd

.. Path of Tau in the grade of Theoricus. Itis composed of twenty-two

\1/ external squares which refer to the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew

alphabet. The cross is an emblem of the equilibrated and balanced

powers of the Elements through the forces represented by the

Hebrew letters. Upon the front of the cross are the Hebrew letters

which correspond to the four Elements: Aleph-Air, Shin-Fire, Mem-Water, and

Tau-Earth. In the center is the letter Resh, which is attributed to the Sun.

On the back of the cross are the Hebrew letters that represent the remaining

Planets (minus Resh-Sol and Tau-Saturn). They are: Beth-Mercury, Peh-Mars,

Gimel-Moon, Daleth-Venus withKaph-Jupiter in the center.

The remaining three sides of the Aleph-Air arm contain the letters corresponding

to Libra (Lamed), Aquarius (Tzaddi) and Gemini (Zayin). The sides of

the Shin-Fire arm are covered by the letters which refer to Aries (Heh), Leo (Teth)

and Sagittarius (Samekh). The Mem-Water arm includes the letters which are

attributed to Cancer (Cheth), Scorpio (Nun) and Pisces (Qoph). The sides of the

Tau-Earth arm include the letters corresponding to Capricorn (Ayin), Taurus

(Vav) and Virgo (Yod).

The Cubical Cross combines the symbolism of the balanced Elements with

the twenty-two letters (the powers of the Three Mothers, the seven Planets and the

twelve Zodiacal Signs) to emphasize the eternal forces which are behind the base

Elements of the physical universe.

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