Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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SECTION 3: Spiritual Entities

In the Zelator grade the student was made aware of the Qabalistic

world of Assiah, the active World which encompasses the sphere

of Malkuth. In the Theoricus grade the initiate is exposed to the

Sephirah Yesod and the World of Formation known as Yetzirah.

(Review the information given on Yetzirah in Chapter Two.) Yetzirah

is the world of the astral plane, an immaterial realm close in

proximity to our own. Both Angelic beings and the illusionary images given form

by the mind of humanity are to be found there.

Astral Spirits

Astral Spirits are those belonging to the astral plane. Such are the false and illusionary

forms, shells of the dead, and ghosts and phantoms. They are detached

and nonconscious beings.

The human Soul is composed of several "layers." The outer layers govern

a person's day-to-day habits, routines, spoken thoughts, and memories. After

death, the higher parts of the Soul continue on the journey of spiritual evolution

to the next level or plane of existence, while the lower parts usually dissipate.

Occasionally, however, these outer shells are inhabited by an Elemental or similar

astral being. This "ghost" then continues where it is and carries on with certain

habits and routines.

Over time these phantoms will tend to disintegrate unless infused with

fresh energy by a person or situation. Many people claim that they can be banished

simply by telling these entities that their physicalbodies have ceased to

exist, and the remaining portion is free to leave.

Elemental Spirits

Elemental Spirits are those belonging to the nature of the Elements. Tradition has

it that some are good and some are evil (although such labels don't really apply to

Elementals). These beings (already discussed in Chapter Two) have hierarchies

similar to those of Qabalistic Archangels and Angels. Elementals are thought to be

childlike and innocent with respect to the human realm.

Angels and Archangels

An Angel is a pure and high Spirit of unmixed good in officeand operation. In the

Qabalah, Angels and Archangels are considered specificaspects of God, each with a

particular purpose and jurisdiction. They are anthropomorphic symbols of what we

believe to be good or holy.Nearly all of the Hebraic Angels have the suffixes "el" or

"yah" at the end of their names, indicating that they are "of God." Powerful Angels

which govern large groups or hosts of lesser Angels are known as Archangels.

The Soul

The difference between the Soul and the Spirit in humanity is as follows: The

human Soul adjoins both the inner realm of Spirit from which it receives direct

inspiration, and the physical or outer world from which it obtains impressions. A

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