Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Neophyte Grade 39

Walk to the station of Stolistes in the North where Auramoouth traces the sigil of

the cup before you. Take on the office of the Stolistes. Pick up the cup of Water. Go

clockwise to the East of the Hall. With the cup trace a cross in the air toward the

East. Then sprinkle Water thrice in the form of an invoking Water triangle. Trace

this same figure in all four quarters, going clockwise around the room. Upon

returning to the East hold the cup on high and say "I purifywith Water." Replace

the cup in the North, and return control of the officer-form to Auramoouth.

Walk to the station of Dadouchos in the South where Thaum-Esh-Neith traces the

sigil of the Fylfot Cross before you. Pick up the censer. Take on the office of

Dadouchos. Go clockwise to the East of the Hall. With the censer trace a cross in

the air toward the East. Then wave the censer thrice in the form of an invoking

Fire triangle. Trace this same figure in all four quarters, going clockwise around

the room. Upon returning to the East hold the censer on high and say "I consecrate

with Fire." Replace the censer in the South and return control of the officer-form to

Thaum-Esh-Neith. Stand once more by the West of the altar. Say:

LettheMystical Reverse Circumambulation take place in thepathway of


All of the astral officer / godforms except the Hierophant (who stands holding

wand and banner) line up in the Southeast. The Hegemon takes you by the West

and South to stand in the procession. Following the lead of the Keryx, the counterclockwise

circumambulation begins. All salute with the Signs when passing the

Banner of the East. Imagine the Light that had been drawn into the temple slowly

beginning to fade. The Hiereus drops out after one pass of the East, and the Hegemon

drops out of the procession after two passes. You and the others, follow the

Keryx in a third pass. Perform the Reversal Sign of the Spiraling Light. All the

astral officers return to their places.

When finished, return to the East. Osiris traces the sigil of the cross and circle in

the air before you. You step into the office of Hierophant that Osiris has bestowed

upon you and take up the crown-headed scepter. Imagine the Divine Light that

you have brought into the temple being withdrawn from the symbol upon the

altar-back into your heartcenter and toward the Kether of the Universe. Perform

the Qabalistic Cross to equilibrate the energies within you. Say:

The Mystical Reverse Circumambulation isaccomplished. Itis thesymbol

oftheFading Light.

Facing East, perform the Adoration to the Lord of the Universe, saluting after the first

threelines with the Projection Sign. After the final line, give the Sign of Silence.

Holyart Thou, Lord ofthe Universe! (Salute.)

Holyart Thou, Whom Nature hath not Formed! (Salute.)

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