Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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Continue meditating for as long as you like, butwhen you are finished, make

three counter-elockwise circumambulations of the temple all the while envisioning

the white triangle in the center of the room disintegrating. Imagine the Divine Light

from the triangle flowing back through your heart center and up into the greater triangle

of Light above you. At the end of the circumambulation, turn again toward the

East and, with your hands interlocked over your heart, begin the Reverse Spiral of

Light, which is simply the total reversal of the Sign of theSpiraling Light. Pause and

perform again the Qabalistic Cross for equilibration. This ends the rite.

It is important to record all your meditations and ritual workings in every

grade in order to have a tangible yardstick by which to measure your spiritual

growth. It is equally important to record your perceptions of all your experiences

within the grades, so that you may return to them time and time again for examination.

In this course of study, as in many other aspects of life, you are the only

one gauging your own progress.

Inclosing, there will always be some individuals who will simplyread this

book and fail to follow either the necessary workload or the minimal amounts of

time suggested in each grade. Within a couple of months of having purchased this

book, some will claim to have "done it all" and self-proclaim themselves as

Adepts of this course. However, it will be far easier for such people to mislead and

impress beginners than it will be for them to hoodwink those aspirants who truly

undertake this work. It will be especially difficult for these individuals to fool

their own Higher Selves. The Holy Guardian Angel will be able to tell the difference

between bravado and true aspiration.

You have no one to blamebutyourselfifyou fail to press onwards. But likewise,

ifyou succeed, you have yourself to thank. The rewards are yours to enjoy.*

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