Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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HECATE: A powerful Greek Moon goddess who presided

over navigation, enchantments and magic, and was

referred to as the mother of witches. This goddess was particularly

associated with the Dark New Moon. She later

became known as a goddess of the underworld, ruling

over ghosts and demons. Hecate was called the "Invincible

Queen" who presided over purifications and expiations.

Ritually prepared food was offered to appease the goddess,

and her image was placed in front of homes to avert

evil. Hecate is sometimes portrayed with three faces to represent

the cycles of the Moon. She is often accompanied by

wild hounds.

Complementary Planet: SATURN

In order to gain a better grasp of all the ancient Planets in the outer grades, it is necessary

for the student to not only study the Planet assigned to the Sephirah of the

grade, but also that Planet's complement. Complementary Planets are those Planets

which are on opposite points of the Macrocosmic Hexagram on the Tree of Life. (See

Chapter Five). Complementary Planets share similar characteristics and qualities.

Therefore in conjunction with the study material given on the Planet Luna,

the student should review information supplied in Chapter One on Saturn, the

Planet which complements Luna on the Macrocosmic Hexagram.

Saturn is the Planet of discipline, organization, time, restrictions, limitations,

and solidification. It is attributed to the Great Mother goddess in all pantheons.

This Planet also shares an occult correspondence with the Element of

Earth. The energy of Saturn is slow, ponderous, and lasting.

In an astrological sense, Saturn is said to be "cold" and "barren." It is

also thought of as a "malefic" Planet. The ancients described Saturn as the ruler

of the period of life dominated by resignation from the ages 70 to 99 symbolized


In human anatomy, this Planet rules the teeth, bones and joints, the skin, ,

the knees and the gall bladder. Physical ailments associated with Saturn include

phobias, injuries from falls, melancholia, decayed teeth, malnutrition, skin disease,

spinal ailments and arthritis.

In magic, the days and hours of Saturn are used for performing experiments,

causing good or ill success to business, possessions, goods, seeds, fruits

and similar things, in order to acquire learning, for destruction and discord, limitation,

and organization. In addition to this Saturn is the "universal" Planet whose

symbol and energy can be used to encompass all the other Planetary energies as a

whole." In the days of the week, Saturn rules Saturday.

71 As in the Adept level Lesser Banishing Ritualof theHexagram.

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