Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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Third and Fourth Months-Meditation 3:Thme

Take a ritual bath and perform a ritual of relaxation. Beseated comfortably in your

temple space. Light the yellow candle in the center of your temple space. Burn

incense or scented oil, preferably frankincense or cinnamon.

Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Perform the Adoration to the Lord of the Universe. Then sound the Battery of four

knocks. Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting in a violet ovoid shape. Say:

Through theDivineName of Tetragrammaton, YHVH, (Yode-Heh-Vav­

Heh) I, (state name) proclaim myselfto be ahumble seeker after theLight

of Wisdom andtheSplendor of theDivine. From thisdayforward I shall

striveever to prove myselfa trueandworthy candidatefor initiation into

theMysteries. To thisendI seek theguidance ofthegoddess ofBalance in

her Coptic form as THMt., the name by which she was known in the

Graeco-Egyptian world. Grant that she might reveal herself to me and

intercede on my behalfbefore theGuardians of theSacred Knowledge.

Again give the Battery of four knocks. Intone the name of the goddess THM~ a

number of times. As you do so, the violet ovoid shape surrounding you changes

to brilliant yellow.

Visualize the slender form of a golden-skinned goddess standing before you. At

this stage of your dialogue with her, the goddess reveals her initial (simplified)

form to you. Her nemyss is striped black and white, while her tunic has become

pure glittering white. Her large pectoral collar is made of bands that are black and

white. Her wristbands are similarly colored. She holds a yellow Phoenix Wand.

Her painted eyes are the same as the eyes of Maat. Visualize the form strongly

before you. Say:

o Thou beautiful one ofTruth, Balance andOrder! Reconciler between the

Darkness andtheLight! Thou who art the Eye ofRa andtheseat ofJustice

between the Pillars! Guardian ofthe Threshold andPreparer oftheWayfor

theEnterer! Dweller in theHall of Dual Manifestation-the Hall of1Wo

Truths! Divine Mediator ofopposites who breathestforth Equilibrium and

Truth in theReconciling Air! See thou that my heart is true, andthat I am

indeed a trueSeeker after the Stone! Defend measthou wouldst defend all

worthy Aspirants on thePath of Wisdom! Speak on my behalf before the

assembly of the gods! Counsel and guide me in my quest for the Light

Divine! This I askin theDivine Name ofYHVH!

Visualize the form strongly See it breathe with life. The goddess Thme gestures

for you to hold out both of your hands. You do so. The goddess places a small

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