Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheTheoricus Grade 251

Thme herself is the last godform to dissolve. You thank the goddess for guiding

you in the Theoricus Hall, and trace the figures of the cross and triangle before her.

She salutes you with the Projection Sign. You answer with the Sign of Silence.

Withdraw the white ray which had activated the goddess back into your heart

center. Perform the Qabalistic Cross one last time to equilibrate all energies within

your sphere of sensation.

Take up the sword and perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Say,"In theNameofSHADDAI ELCHAI, I declare this temple closed in the2 = 9 grade

of Theoricus."

Give the Battery of knocks: 3-3-3. Go to the station of the Hiereus and repeat

the Battery: 3-3-3. Go to the station of the Hegemon and repeat the Battery:3­

3-3. Give the Theoricus Sign before exiting the temple.e

The Third Knowledge Lecture

SECTION 1: Basic Astrology-The Aspects

The last major subject that the student will need to know in order

to be able to understand a horoscope is that of the aspects. Aspects

help to determine how Planets interact within the Signs and

houses. When Planets are located at a certain number of degrees

away from one another, they are said to be in aspect. Some aspects

are harmonious and congenial, while others are conflicting and

challenging. The harmonious aspects are mild, benign and comfortable. The conflicting

aspects are exciting, stress-producing and sometimes disagreeable.

It should be kept in mind that there is no such thing as a "good" or "bad"

aspect. Too many harmonious aspects in a chart can often signify a boring personality.

Too many conflicting aspects in a chart can make a person spiteful and

mean-spirited. On the other hand a few challenging aspects can strengthen a person's

character and make life more stimulating. Inastrology,like Qabalah, the middleground

provides the strongest and best support.

The orb of an aspect is the number of degrees of difference from the exact

angle that is permitted for each aspect. In other words, it is the number of degrees

within which an aspect is judged to be effective. However, the strongest influence is












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