Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 115

her wand to an angle of 45 degrees, knocking the crossed implements of the other

officers to either side. Shespeaks:

But the Great Angel Sandalphon said, I am the reconciler for Earth,

and the Celestial Soul therein. Form is alike in Darkness and in blinding

Light. I am the left hand Kerub of the Ark and the Feminine Power,

as Metatron is the right hand Kerub and the Masculine Power, and I

prepare the way to the Celestial Light.

Imagine the forms of the Hiereus and the Hegemon stepping back respectively to

the North and South of the altar.

The Archangel Sandalphon takes your right hand in her left hand and instructs

you to examine the diagram on the front of the altar. As you do so say:

And Tetragrammaton placed Kerubim at theEast oftheGarden ojEden and

a Flaming Sword which turned every way to keep the Path of the 'Iree of

Life, for He has created Nature thathumanitybeing cast out of Eden may

notfallintotheVoid. Hehasbound ManwiththeStars aswitha chain. He

allures him with scattered fragments of theDivine Body in bird and beast

andflower, andhelaments over himin theWindandin theSea andin the

birds. When thetimes are ended, Hewillcall theKerubim from theEast of

theGarden, andallshall be consumed andbecome Infinite andHoly.

Sandalphon comes around to the West of the altar to give you the secretsof the 1

= 10 grade. Prompted by the figure, you give the 6 x 6 step, which is similar to that

of the Neophyte,but with the addition ofbringing the right foot even with the left,

showing that you have passed the Threshold. Then give the Zelator Sign by raising

your right hand to an angle of 45 degrees. Sandalphon speaks:

This was the Position in which I interposed for you between the

Hiereus and the Hegemon.The Token is given by grasping fingers, the

thumb touching thumb to form a triangle. It refers to the Ten Sephiroth.

You exchange the Token with the Archangel. She continues:

The Grand Word is ADONAI HA-ARETZ, which means "the lord of

the Earth," to which Element this grade is allotted. The Mystic Number

is 55, and from it is formed the Password Nun Heh. It means

ornament, and when given is lettered separately.

(You repeat the words:) The Grand Word is ADONAI HA-ARETZ.

The Mystic Number is 55. The password of thegrade is NUN-HEH.

(Sandalphon continues:) The Badge of this grade is the sash of the

Neophyte with the narrow white border, a red cross within the white

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