Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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end. Indolence can playa role here as well, for the work of an initiate is not easy

and requires much dedication and perseverance.

In deciding to write this book, we were faced with certain problems. How

does a person initiate him/her self into a current of magic that calls for a complex

ceremony performed by a team of competent initiators? How does someone who

is not yet a Neophyte satisfactorily perform a ritual that is traditionally executed

only by someone who holds the rank of Adept? It seemed like a Catch-22-an

impossible scenario. Our solution was to supply the barebones of the rituals and

provide step-by-step instruction in the necessary visualizations as they occur in

the ceremonies. We revised the rituals so that they could be performed by a solitary

individual. We also expanded and emphasized the role of the godform of

Thme (Meet or Maat) as the Introducer and Mediator between the candidate and

the other energies present during the initiation. It seemed only natural that the

aspiring student who is working alone and unaided should call upon the reconciling

attributions of Thme to assist in his/her climb up the mountain of initiation.

All advanced ritual gestures and techniques are carried out by the student only

under the authority and dispensation of the Higher Self, not under the lower will

or ego of the student. This is true of every initiation ceremony presented in this

book, from Neophyte through the Portal grade; all of them are based upon this

premise in order to circumvent, as much as possible, any tendency for ego-inflation

(a primary scourge of manyan unvigilant magician). Prior to any self-initiation,

a dialogue must be established between the student and the godform of

Thme in order to set up a conscious link between the candidate (as the Lower Personality)

and the goddess of Truth (as the Higher Self). Aseries of meditations for

establishing this communication is given at the end of this introduction.

In designing these rituals we have tried as much as possible to give the

student an initiatory experience that is as complete and fulfilling as any bestowed

by an initiating team. We have chosen to retain certain long speeches in the Elemental

grade ceremonies, due to the fact that reading them aloud insures that the

student will focus on them and not simply skim over them.

One of the things that Israel Regardie was adamant about was that the

occult student should seek out a course of psychotherapy as a safeguard against

inflation of the ego and other problems that might possibly crop up as a result of

the increased activation of the psyche through magical training. We also hold this

view, but have found that it is not always possible for students to find a good therapist

who is sympathetic to the magical arts. The solitary student is particularly at

a disadvantage here, not having a group of temple-mates to consult if problems

arise. Therefore we have liberally selected several good psychology books for suggested

reading in each grade of this course.

• We have already stated that magic is a spiritual science. The curriculum of

the Golden Dawn represents, if you will, the academic program of one of the

mostly highly acclaimed universities of that science. Bythe time a student reaches

the end of the Portal grade in this course, s/he will have committed to memory

the basics of Qabalah, Astrology, and spiritual Alchemy. The student will also

know how to construct a natal or horary Astrology chart, perform divination by

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