Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheTheoricus Grade


Trees and Plants

Corresponding to the Planets








Ivy, yew, hemlock, nightshade, amaranth, hemp, aconite"

Hyssop, fig, sage, star anise, nutmeg, sassafras

Pine, wormwood, ginger, nettle, basil, radish, holly

Sunflower, acacia, bay, marigold, saffron, rowan, peony

Rose, myrtle, elder, geranium, hyacinth, thyme, licorice

Marjoram, fennel, mandrake, caraway, dill, pomegranate

Willow, moonwort, lotus, lemon, gardenia, mushroom, poppy

Corresponding to the Elements





Ash, mustard, cactus, pepper, garlic, onion, thistle

Most fruit trees, water plants, lotus, melon, orchid

Palm, mistletoe, dandelion, mint, lavender, goldenrod

Oak, cypress, grains, potato, turnip, cotton, patchouli

Plant and Nature Spirits

NYMPHS: In Greek mythology, nymphs are a group of nature Spirits, who dwell

within plants, trees, water, etc. There are many types of nymphs but all are usually

depicted as beautiful maidens. Forest-nymphs, also known as dryads lived within

trees and were the nature god Pan's cohorts indance, music and pleasurable games.

Of the other nymphs, naiads presided over brooks and fountains, oreads lived in

mountains and grottos, nereids resided in the sea while napaeae, auloniads, hylaeorae

and alsaeids inhabited the woods and valleys. These last types of nymphs were

immortal, but the forest-nymphs were not. Their existence depended upon that of

the trees. In Greek times it was a profane act to senselessly destroy a tree, and one

which could result in severe punishment. Crowned

with oak leaves the dryads were responsible for the

well-being of trees, often dancing around the sacred

oaks, guarding them with axes. Certain of the dryads,

known as hamadryads, were even more closelyrelated to

the trees, of which they formed an essential part.

SATYRS and SILENI: These Spirits are often confused

with one another. Satyrs (equivalent to the Roman

fauns), were deities of the woods, fields and mountains.

They were a type of male forest genii thought to be the

brothers of the nymphs. Satyrs were portrayed as being

half man, half goat, with pointed ears and short sprouting

horns on their heads. The lower half of their bodies

ended with the legs, feet and tail of a goat. (Pan, the god

of the woods, shepherd and flock, was often confused

72 Many of these plants are poisonous.

Panand Olympos

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