Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Theoricus Grade 233

Thme leads you clockwise to the East, where she

traces the figure of the cross and triangle with the

miter-headed wand. As she does so, you vibrate the

name "OUSIRI." The familiar image of the godform

begins to grow stronger in the East. Visualize the

mummy-wrapped form of the god strongly. Osiris

traces in the air before you the figure of a cross and

circle. He then hands you his crown-headed

scepter. Picking up the Wand of Power, you take on The Signof Theoricus

the office of Hierophant that Osiris has bestowed

upon you. Give the Sign of the Spiraling Light toward the East, then say, "Let the

white brilliance of the Divine Spirit descend!" Feel a flood of Divine Light flow

through your body from the Kether of the universe. Equilibrate this Light through

your body by performing the Qabalistic Cross, vibrating the Hebrew names.

Give a knock and say, "Let us adore the Lord and King of Air!" Trace a circle toward

the East with the scepter. Say, "SHADDAI EL CHAI, Almighty and Ever-Lasting­

Ever Living be Thy Name, Ever Magnified in the Life ofAll! Amen." Salute with the

Theoricus Sign.

Stand facing the Air Tablet. Visualize the rest of the astral officer/ godforms leaving

their stations to face East. Hiereus advances to just West of the altar. Hegemon and

Keryx advance and stand at the outer sides of the pillars.

Through the authority of the office of Hierophant bestowed upon you by Osiris,

invoke the powers of the Air Tablet. Give a knock, then trace with the wand a

large circle in front of the Tablet. Then draw the invoking pentagram of Spirit

Active. As you do so vibrate "EXARP" (Ex-ar-pay). Trace the sigil of Spirit in the

center and intone "EHEIEH" (Eh-heh-yay). Give the Sign of the Spiraling Light.

Then trace the invoking pentagram of Air. As you do so vibrate the name "ORO

IBAHAOZP/" (Or-oh Ee-bah-hay Ah-oh-zohd-pee). Draw the sigil of Aquarius in

the center and intone "YHVH." Give the Sign of Theoricus. Say:

And the Elohim said, "Let us make ADAM in Our Image, after our likeness,

and let them have dominion over thefowl of the Air." In the Name

YOD HEH VAV HEH and in the Name of SHADDAI ELCHAI, Spirits

ofAir adoreyour Creator.

Take up the fan from the altar and return to the East. Trace with the fan the sigil of

Aquarius before the Tablet. 66 Say:

66 In Regardie's The Golden Dawn, the Hierophant uses a pentacle to trace these figures before the

Tablet of the East. This is due to the fact that the number five is considered an esoteric Lunar number

associated with Yesod, and it hints at a subtle correspondence that exists between the 2=9 grade

and the Portal grade. However, we have always felt that the use of the pentacle to invoke the powers

of Air was a bit too esoteric. For the sake of balance and cohesion with the tools used in the other Elemental

grades, we have substituted the fan as the tool used to invoke Air.

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