Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheNeophyte Grade 67

than by polarities alone, since the four lowest Sephiroth are symbolic of the Lower

Self or Personality (at least on the level of the Microcosm in Malkuth of Assiah).22

The center of the Treeof Lifeis the place of the Reconciler or Redeemer. Godforms

of this energy include Christ, Buddha, and Osiris. Thisis because liphareth

mediates between the Godhead in Kether and the rest of the material universe. The

sixth Sphere is a link or pointof transition. Itreconciles ThatWhich is Above to That

Which is Below.liphareth intercedes between these different levels of Being.

The sixth Sephirah is essentially a mystical sphere. The spiritual experience

that takes place in Tiphareth is the Vision of the Harmony of Things. This is

due to the fact that the Higher Self, or Holy Guardian Angel, of every individual

sits in Tiphareth; referring again to Tiphareth as the mirror of Kether-the Divine

Self. The goal of all spiritual experience is the search for the Light, which is

obtained by devotion to the Great Work. Tiphareth is the sphere of lllumination

and of Healing. This is why the so-called Christ-consciousness is placed here.

NETZACH (Net-zach)

Translation: VICTORY

Key word: EMOTIONS

Yetziratic Title: The OCCULT INTELUGENCE

Physical Representation: The sphere of VENUS

Symbols: The Girdle, the Rose, the Lamp

The Hebrew name of the seventh Sephirah is Netzach, which means "Victory." It

is the final sphere on the right-hand pillar. As we have already stated, the lower

spheres of the Tree can be described in terms of human consciousness and experience.

This is especially true of the four remaining Sephiroth beginning with Netzach.

The sphere of Netzach is the dwelling place of human instincts, emotions,

and desires. It is the "feeling" side of the personality that can be likened to the

right side of the human brain. This is where human creativity is born. Once again

the idea of polarity comes into play, because Netzach is considered primarily a

Fire (masculine) sphere which has an opposing (Water) Sephirah to balance it. But

at this level on the Tree (in the world of Assiah), we are truly discussing negative

and positive sides of the human mind.

Netzach is a dynamic force which inspires and drives us. This sphere is a

reflection of the Fiery energy of Geburah, but at the level of the human personality,

mediated by Tiphareth, Fire becomes desire and emotion. Art, music, dance,

and poetryare all expressions of Netzach energy. Inthis spherewe find all expressions

of beauty and love, but also the less understood emotions of anger and hate,

because all emotions dwell here. Itis for this reason that the energies of Netzach

must be balanced by its opposite, Hod. The seventh sphere is the home of the

"Group Mind," the storehouse of images and symbols in all of us, which inspires

the artist, the dancer, and the musician.

22 The level of humanity in the lowest Qabalistic World of Assiah, See Chapter Two for more information

about the four Worlds of the Qabalah.

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