Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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Outlines of theHistory of Greek Philosophy by Eduard Zeller

Porphyry's Launching Points to theRealm ofMind: An Introduction to theNeoplatonic

Philosophy ofPlotinus translated by Kenneth Guthrie

On theMysteries by Iamblichus

TheScience of Breath by YogiRamacharaka

(Although this book was written in the Esoteric Tradition of the East,

many of the techniques described can also be applied to the Western

Esoteric Tradition.)

Jungian Dream Interpretation: A Handbook of Theory andPractice

by James A. Hall

Maps oftheMind by Charles Hampden-Turner

Toward a Psychology of Being by Abraham H. Maslow

The Rhizome andtheFlower: The Perennial Philosophy, Yeats and[ung

by James Olney

Some Final Suggestions

• Obtain a 8.5 x 11black-and-white copy of the Tarot card

THE UNIVERSEand paint it, or draw your own version

of the card.

• Make colored drawings of the four Kerubim. Devise your own

meditation for incorporating these figures.

• Draw your personal impression of a sylph.

• Draw your personal impression of a nature Spirit such as

a nymph.

• Observe the phases of the Moon each and every night for one

entire Lunar cycle (28 days). Note your observations in

your magical diary. Also take note what Zodiacal Sign the

Moon is in.

• Take note of where Luna falls in your own Zodiacal chart.

Write a brief report on how you think you are affected by

Luna's position in your natal chart.

• Take note of any Planets that are located in Air Signs in your

own Zodiacal chart. Write a brief report on how you think you

are effected by them.

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