Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 215

33. Who guards the Pathway of Good?

34. Who guards the Pathway of Evil?

35. Who is the left-hand Kerub of the Ark and the feminine power?

36. Who is the right-hand Kerub of the Ark and the masculine power?

37. In this ceremony, the Zelator symbolically follows the Path of a Priest of the

Hebrew mysteries. As the Priest progresses into the Tabernacle, he avails

himself of three items concerned with purification and consecration.

a. The first item is found within the Courtyard. What is it and what does it


b. The second item lies between the first item and the entrance to the Holy

Place. What is it and what does it represent?

c. The third item is in the Holy Place before the Veilof the Holy of Holies?

What is it and what does it represent?

38. What item is seen by the Priest in the Northern side of the Holy Place?

What does this item (represented by a diagram) symbolize?

39. What item is seen by the Priest in the Southern side of the Holy Place?

What does this item (represented by a diagram) symbolize?

QUIZ-SECTION 1 (Basic Astrology-The Houses)

1. What is a Zodiacal "house?"

2. Each house is ruled by one of the and is influenced by one of

the _

3. The Sign that is on the Eastern horizon at the time of birth is known as what?

4. The Midheaven is also called the Me. What do these initials stand for?

5. What do the initials IC stand for?

6. If the Midheaven is the tenth house cusp, what is the IC?

7. If the Ascendant is the first house cusp, what is the Descendent?

8. The first, fifth, and ninth houses are known as Fire houses. True or False?

9. Name the three houses which are known as Earth houses.

10. Name the three houses which are known as Water houses.

11. Angular houses correspond to the Kerubic Signs. True or False?

12. The Succedent houses contain the Ascendant, Descendent, MC and Ie.

True or False?

13. The Cadent houses correspond to the Cardinal Signs. True or False?

14. The Succedent houses are known as the Financial houses. True or False?

15. The Cadent houses are known as the Mental houses. True or False?

16. Name the house whose Key word is Identity.

17. Name the house whose Key word is Honor.

18. Name the house whose Key word is Social Consciousness.

19. Name the house whose Key word is Awareness.

20. Name the house whose Key word is Security.

21. Which house reveals philosophy and the higher consciousness?

22. Which house shows hidden strengths, dangers and limitations?

23. Which house shows secrets, rebirth and regeneration?

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