Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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god. Zeus persuaded Hades to release the young Kore, but

tempted her to eat some pomegranate seeds first, which made

their union indissoluble. Tosettle the matter, Zeus decided that

Persephone would live with her husband in the Underworld for

one-third of the year and spend the other two-thirds with her

mother. Thus for part of the year, when Persephone joined

Hades, the Earth became cold, sorrowful and unproductive, but

when she returned in the Spring, the Earth resumed its warmth

along with its mantle of flowering plants and fertile crops.

Persephone is portrayed as maiden crowned and enthroned.

She sometimes carries an ear of com or a pomegranate.

Other Western Earth deities include numerous Celtic fertility

goddesses or matres-Mother goddesses:

DANU or DANA: The companion of Bile.The descendants of Danu called themselves

Tuatha De Dannan ("people of the goddess Dana" or "The children of Don").


SECTION 7: Divination and Geomancy

BRIGIT: Celtic goddess of the seasons.

Brigit's celebration Imbolc, a great festival

of pagan purification, takes place on

February 1st.(Incidentally,with the coming

of Christianity, the goddess Brigit

was transformed into a patron saint.)

Teutonic fertility goddesses include

GEFJON, "the Giver" or "the Donor,"

and NERTHUS, the productive Earth

Mother. Nerthus is pictured driving a

chariot pulled by heifers.

EPONA: A Celtic goddess who was the

protectress of horses, Epona also presided

over the fertility of the soil.e

• • People who have no experience with Tarot and other forms of div-

• •

ination often think that these practices are little more than superstition

and folklore.The truth is that those who study and practice div-

• ination believe that all things in the universe are divine. Nothing takes

• place in a divine universe by chance or coincidence. Nothing that

exists within a divine universe is without meaning or significance.

The word divination is based on a Latin word which means "the faculty

of foreseeing." The word comes from the Latin word for "divine power," or "of

the gods." This indicates that the true meaning of the word divination is "to

make divine."

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