Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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Itwas Israel Regardie's wish thatstudents of the Golden Dawntradition quietly

and patiently continue the Order work and goals as instituted byMathers and

Westcott, without a lot of hoopla or fanfare. Regardie was a man of strong convictions

who was adamantly opposed to several of the factors which historically tear

magical groups of all traditions apart and shift the focus of such groups away from

spiritual concerns-including schisms, egotistic pontificating or self-aggrandizement

on the part of group leaders, the idea of soliciting money in return for grade initiations,

and pointless bickering between this group and that group. And for all that

Israel Regardie has done to singlehandedly keep the G:.D:. tradition alive and

available to all, some people now claim that Regardie had no lineage to the Golden

Dawn, in the same manner that some Wiccans have tried to denounce Gerald Gardner

after all he had done for Wicca. There are even some individuals, who after supposedly

self-initiating themselves into high degrees, now claim that self-initiation is

notpossible for others-thatthe prospective studentmust go to them for a proper initiation.

Not all magical groups or fraternities manage to maintain their high spiritual

ideals under the onslaught of such integrity-killers as ego or profit-making.

Another problem with correspondence courses is that although they offer

genuinely good material, it is often presented in a manner that is unrelated to the

original Order teachings. Some groups add Thelema, Eastern esoteric practices,

Odinism, or other elements which are totally unconnected to the established

teachings of the Golden Dawn. This often results in a hybrid curriculum which no

longer resembles that of the Golden Dawn, either in content or in essence.

Although most of the Golden Dawn's curriculum from Neophyte through

the sub-grade of ZelatorAdeptus Minorhasalreadybeen published, there is no reason

for Neophytes to be instructed to perform Inner Order rituals such as the Banishing

Ritual of the Hexagram and the Rose Cross Ritual," This problem originated

from the fragmentary presentation of the Outer Order grade work given in Israel

Regardie's The Golden Dawn. The Knowledge Lecturespresentedby Regardie are in

reality little more than a student's lecture notes, which were originally supplementedby

oral Order teachings. To "flesh out" the Outer Order curriculum as presented

in The Golden Dawn,many magical correspondence groups have taken what

was traditionally the Inner Order curriculum (study work and rituals) and transferred

it to the grades of the First Order. The end result is Neophytes and Zelators

being asked by their instructors to perform unnecessarybusywork, complex Second

Order studies.' and advanced work such as the construction of the Elemental

weapons," or the painting of several Trees of Life in the various Qabalistic color

3 The Hexagram Ritual and the Rose Cross Ritual were traditionally taught in the Second Order, the

RR et A.c., not in the First Order of the Golden Dawn.

4 Such as Enochian. While I was in the Practicus grade, I once informed Regardie that I was taking

up the study of the Enochian Alphabet. Regardie told me inno uncertain terms to "cease and desist."

He was adamant in his belief that Outer Order students should leave Enochian alone.-STC

5 The construction of these tools (Earth Pentacle, Air Dagger, Water Cup and Fire Wand) is part of the

gradework of a Neophyte Adeptus Minor. That is why they are referred to as the tools of a Z.A.M.­

(Zelator Adeptus Minor). They are never used in the Outer Order. A student who makes these tools

during the Elemental grades will often express the desire to remake them in the Adept grade, due to

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