Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheZelator Grade


Frater/Soror , as in the grade of Neophyte, you came out of

the world to the Gateway of Hidden Knowledge, so in this grade

you pass through the Gateway and come into the Holy Place.

(Say:) I am now in the Court of the Tabernacle, where stood theAltar of

Burnt Offering, whereon were offered the sacrifices of animals, which

symbolized the Qlippoth or Evil Demons whoinhabit the planecontiguous

toand below theMaterial Universe.

Visualize the godform of Thaum-Esh-Neith leaving her station near the pillar. She

approaches you and traces the symbol of the Fylfot Cross in the air before you.

The goddess then hands you her censer. Picking up the censer you trace the symbol

of a cross in front of your own forehead. Then trace the three points of the

invoking Fire triangle.

At this point, picture in your mind's eye the Courtyard of the Tabernacle as it .

existed in the time of the ancient Hebrews. Take some time to imagine the following

guided visualization:

The Courtyard is oblong in shape, approximately 150 by 75 feet in

size. The walls of the Courtyard are composed of great curtains of

blue, violet and red, supported by brass pillars with capitals of

pure silver. There are twenty pillars running along each side of the

courtyard's length, and ten pillars along the sides comprising the

width. At the far end of the

Courtyard is the Tabernacle or

Sacred Tent of YHVH. But in the

middle of the Court stands the

Altar of Burnt Offering.

The altar is a large hollow

case approximately seven

and a half by four and a half feet

in size. It is made of wood and

overlaid with plates of brass. In

the center of the top side of the

altar is a grating of brass upon

which several pieces of wood

have been placed. At the four

comers are projections known as

"horns." On the sides of the altar

are brass rings through which

bars are placed to carry the altar.

Still watching with your

mind's eye, you witness a Priest

of the Hebrew mysteries about The Courtyard of theTabernacle

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