Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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desire for the Light. This spiritual energy can be magnetically attracted to the candidate

through the disciplines of rhythmic breathing, vibration, sincere aspiration,

prayer and many other methods.

All of the various symbols and movements in the Neophyte Ceremony are

designed to enhance and reiterate the purpose of the ritual-the quest for the Light.

Notall of the intricate symbolism is fully comprehended by the candidate, but that

makes little difference in the long run, because the inherent value of such symbolism

is that it has an auto-suggestive effect on the aspirant which is perceived at a

deep subconscious level.

The objectiveof the Neophyte Ceremony as a whole is the purification of the

personality. Purification and Consecration ofboth the temple and the candidate (who

is the living temple) are a source of constant focus throughout the ritual. The Elements

of Water and Fire are employed to this end until at length the aspirant is

placed between the two Pillars of Light and Dark, in the position of Equilibrium,

where a bond is formed between the Personality and the Higher and Divine Genius.

The ceremony of the 0 0 = 0 0 symbolically occurs in the Hall of Judgment

which is described in the 125th chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. This

depicts the "Weighing of the Soul" in which the deceased (who represents the Initiate)

is brought into the Hall of Truth by Anubis, the god of the Underworld.

After having undergone extensive interrogation and purification, the initiate

makes the long negative confession and is asked to explain the complex symbolism

of the Hall. The Soul of the initiate then watches the weighing of its actions on

Earth against the feather of Truth in the mystical scales of Maat. The ibis-headed

god Thoth records the judgment as a devouring beast stands ready to seize the

soul if the initiate has led an unworthy life. When this ordeal has passed, Horus

introduces the initiate to the god, Osiris, who sits enthroned within his shrine.

Before him is a lotus flower, the emblem of metamorphosis. The deceased is then

united with Osiris the Redeemer in an infinite Light. Thus the entire story of the

Weighing of the Soul can be said to represent the advance and purification of the

initiate in the Neophyte Hall.

Although many people respect the Neophyte Ceremony as a vital and sublime

ritual replete with essential magical techniques, oftentimes these same individuals

do not respect the Neophyte grade. No sooner do they become Neophytes

and take that all-important first step into the current of the Golden Dawn than they

wish to rush headlong into the 1 0 =10 0 grade of Zelator, as ifthe rank of Neophyte

were somehow undesirable or demeaning compared to higher grades. We cannot

overstate how foolish this supposition is. Advancement into the higher grades

should not be likened to a race. It is a life-long commitment to complete the Great

Work. A certain amount of time must be spent in each grade to thoroughly ingest

and balance out the effects of initiation. Advancing through the grades too quickly

is apt to result in imbalance and egotism. In the Western Mystery Tradition weare all

Neophytes no matter what our outer rank might be. All of us have much to learn on

the quest for spiritual growth. A suitable amount of time spent in the Neophyte

grade (through self-initiation) should be approximately six to twelve months.

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