Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 157

are the manyformswhich serve to house these forces. Elohim Tzabaoth is the female

negative divine aspect of every living Soul.

SHADDAI EL CHAI (~n ,ac ~'W): The deity name of Yesod which means

"Almighty Living God." This also indicates the Supreme Lord of Life and of Lives.

In this case, the "Life Power" is to be seen not only as a spiritual essence, but

specifically as the driving force behind reproduction and regeneration. Shaddai EI

Chai is the God-aspect which is concerned with Life as a continuation of Itself.

ADONAI HA ARETZ (r,acn ~~,ac): The deity name of Malkuth which means "The

Lord of Earth." This signifies that, in Malkuth, we confront the Creator of all Matter

as the Supreme Ruler thereof. Like Eheieh, EIand YHVH, the name Adonai ("Lord") is

considered a holy emanation of God. Therefore Malkuth is every bit as exalted as

Kether, for both are holy aspects of the Divine. An additional deity name of Malkuth

is Adonai Melekh, "The Lord and King," which stresses these sameideas.

Archangelic N ames;43

METATRON (f"tQtQC):The Archangel of Kether. His Hebrew name has no clear

etymological base and may in fact be a "channeled" name. The rootword, met,may

indicate downward (communicated) movement. Some authors have tried to provide

a Greek etymology for it-and have translated the name as meta ton thronos or

"near Thy throne." He is described as the Angel of the Presence and the World­

Prince. Metatron alone sees the Eternal One face to face. He presides over the

whole Tree of Life as well as Kether, and is considered the right-hand masculine

Kerub of the Ark. Tradition has it that Metatron communicated the Qabalah to

humankind. He has the additional titles of Metatron Ketheriel, TheLesser YHVH,the

King of Angels, the Great Scribe, and the name JOEL-"I am God." Some Hebraic

sources identify the patriarch Enoch with this Archangel. Metatron is responsible

for presenting God and Human being to each other. He is the link between the

human and the Divine, and is responsible for increasing the flow of Light to the initiate.

His symbols include a crown, a lamp, and a white rose.

RAZIEL <,ac~,,): The Archangel of Chokmah. His name in Hebrew means "the

Herald or Sent Forth One of God." This denotes the Archangel as an envoywith a

specific mission. The root word of his name, raz,indicates the secrets of Initiateseverything

which is secret, mysterious or concealed. He is known as Raziel Chokmael,

Ophaniel (as ruler of the Angelic host known as Ophanim), Secret of God, and

Angel ofMysteries. It has been stated that Raziel is "the Angel of the secret regions

and chief of the supreme mysteries." Raziel is the personification of the Divine Wisdom.

The sapphire Book of Raziel, said to have been given to Adam and passed on

to the great Hebrew teachers (including Solomon), was a book which held the

secrets of the stars: the Zodiacal Signs, the courses of the Planets, and the effects

they have on every aspect of Creation. (The prophet Enoch was said to come into

43 Some of the material in this section is derived from the article, "This Holy Invisible Companionship:

Angels in the Hermetic Qabalah of the Golden Dawn" by Adam P.Forrest in TheGolden Dawn

Journal: Book II: Qabalah: Theory andMagic.

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