Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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PRIMUM ENS: "The First Essence." Dividing the Primum Ensfrom the Prima

Materia (First Matter) which provides a physical vehicle for the First

Essence, is one of the primary goals of Alchemy. Spiritus Mundi.

PRINCIPIA CHYMIA: The three Alchemic Principles of Sulfur, Salt, and Mercury.

QUEEN: White--The Qabalistic Bride of Microprosopus, Malkuth-analogous to

Silver and the Moon. (Relates to theWhite Tincture.)

QUINTESSENCE: The Fifth Essence. The most purified essence or essential lifegiving

force which permeates and sustains the body or matter. Spirit.

Philosophic Mercury.

RAVEN or CROW: Initiation through blackness. Signifies the Nigredo or putrefaction

of the first Material-the initial blackness that is necessary for further

evolution. (Also a symbol ofElemental Earth.)

REBIS: "Two-Thing." The male (Solar) and female (Lunar) aspects of the substance

usually represented by a being with two heads and one body or as

two serpents. These two facets are not separated, but integrated. In practical

Alchemy this describes two metals joined with the aid of a catalyst.


RED LION: Sulfur (solar energy) combined with Mercury (Will). The force of

nature under control. Itthe same as the Green Lion (Philosophic

Mercury), but mixed with gold.

RED MAN: Iron or sulfur (sometimes "Our Gold" or copper).

REEZON: The Sulfur of the Philosophers when perfected at the red stage.

REGIMEN: State of temperature.

REGULUS: Two metals mixed by a natural heat that is bearable by humans. The

two combined ingredients are counted as one principle.

SAL NITER: Saltpeter.


SANDARACE: Fire of Spirit.

SANDUIFICATION: "Transforming food into blood." Creating the Philosopher's


SATURN: The Planetary name of Lead, often used to describe the blackening

stage in Alchemy.

SECRET FIRE: The hidden or Elemental Fire. Philosophic Mercury, described as

a "fierywater" or "Philosophic vinegar." Itis the root of metals which harmonizes

with them and is the medium which combines the tinctures.

There are four divisions of the Secret Fire, each named after Zodiacal

Signs: Sun ofAries(original stage), Sun of Taurus (black stage), Sun ofGemini

(white stage), andSun of Leo (red stage).

SICK KING: The king at the end of life. A state wherein the ego dominates.

SOL PHILOSOPHORUM: The pure living Alchemical Spirit of Gold-the

refined Essence of Heat and Fire.

SOLUTION: Dissolving a solid into a liquid.

"SOLVE ET COAGULA": "Dissolve and coagulate." An axiom of Alchemical practice.

The first work of the Alchemistwas to reduce the solids ina liquid, thenback

into a solid. That which dissolves is Spirit, that which coagulates is Body.

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