Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Theoricus Grade 285

be Thor throwing his hammer down to Earth. Although he crushed his enemies

with his hammer, Thor was considered benevolent to mankind.e

SECTION 7: Correspondences of Luna

The Planet attributed to the Theoricus grade is Luna. The Moon

rules the subconscious mind, cycles and patterns, plant and animal

life, the tides, and all instinctive processes in nature which are barren

of personality. All of these are rhythmically connected with the

cycles of the moon, or Levannah as it is known in Hebrew.

Luna is the closest "Planet" to the Earth and it moves

rapidly through the Zodiac. It is considered a "feminine" and "moist" Planet. In

an Astrological sense, Luna is said to be "cold" and "magnetic." The ancients

described the Moon as the ruler of the period of life dominated bygrowth from the

ages of 1 to 4 and symbolized by "the mewling babe."

Inhuman anatomy, this Planet rules thebreasts, the stomach, the body fluids,

female organs and functions, the lymph glands, and digestion. Physical ailments

associated with Luna include enflamed glands, defective eyesight, allergies,

female disorders, mental instability, excess fluidity and depression.

Objects attributed to Luna include utensils used in the silversmith's trade,

brewing and laundering; also soft smooth substances.

In magic, the days and hours of the Moon are used for femininity, alternation,

change, receptivity, sleep, prophetic dreams, visions, messages, navigation,

love, fertility, envoys, voyages, and the acquisition of merchandise by water.

The Lunar cycle takes approximately 28-29 days to complete, starting

with the New Moon (completely Dark Moon), to the Full Moon (the fully illuminated

Moon). This cycle is the result of a relationship that exists between the Sun,

the Moon and the Earth. As the Moon makes one entire circuit around the Earth,

it reflects the Solar light in various degrees, depending on the angle between Sol

and Luna as seen from the Earth. This cycle is divided into four phases or quarters.

These phases are as follows:


First Quarter commences when Sol and Luna are conjunct or in the

same place (from the Earth's view). At first the Moon is not visible

(New Moon), because it rises simultaneously with the Sun. However,

toward the end of this phase, a sliver of Luna can be perceived just after

sunset when the Moon follows the setting sun in the West.

The Second Quarter starts midway between the New Moon and the Full

Moon, when Sol and Luna are at a 90 degree square to one another. At

this time the waxing (increasing) Moon is seen as a half-moon which

rises at noon and sets at midnight. It is seen in the West during the fist

half of the night.

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