Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Neophyte Grade 41

Thme herself is the last to dissolve. You thank the goddess for her beneficent guidance

and trace the figures of the cross and triangle before her. She salutes you with

the Projection Sign. You answer with the Sign of Silence. Withdraw the white ray

which had activated Thme back into your heart center. Perform the Qabalistic

Cross to equilibrate the energy.

Take up the sword and perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Say:

I now declare this temple duly closed. So mote it be!*

The First Knowledge Lecture

This is the work to be undertaken by the magician who has undergone the preceding

initiation into the Neophyte grade. The lecture is divided up into six sections

that make it easier for the reader to digest the knowledge. An examination

for each section of the Knowledge Lecture is given at the end of this chapter.

SECTION 1: The Elements

@A There are four baSic magiCal Elements: Fire, w ater' Air, and Earth.

(The final unifying Element of Spirit will be discussed in another

li V chapter.) These four primaryElements are regarded as realms, king­

"0 doms, or divisions of Nature. They are the basic modes of existence

V and action-the building blocks of everything in the universe. All

that exists or has the potential to exist contains one or more of the

these energies. (These Elements are not to be confused with the scientist's table of

elements, which are only the most materialized expressions of the Elements in the

physical plane.)

The four Elements of the ancients are assigned the dual combinationof two

of the four qualities of heat, cold, dryness, and moisture. They are:

Qualities Name Symbol

Heat and Dryness FIRE /:).

Cold and Moisture WATER \l

Heat and Moisture AIR A

Cold and Dryness EARTH V'

The Element ofFire

(Egyptian-Ash or Ish, Hebrew-Asch, Latin-Ignis, Greek-Pyr.) Qualities of

Fire: active, masculine, spontaneous, quick, initiating, initializing, vitalizing, and


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