Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheZelator Grade


The Hermetic Cross, which is also called Fylfot, Hammer of Thor, and

Swastika, isformed of17 squares out ofa square of25 lesser squares. These

17represent theSun, thefourElements, andtheTwelve Signs oftheZodiac.

(Observe the pillars and say:) In thisgrade thelights on thepillars are

unshaded, showing thatI have abandoned theDarkness oftheouter world.

Sandalphon returns to the East where she transforms once again into the godform

of Osiris. The outer appearances of the Archangels Metatron and Samael are also

shed to reveal the forms of Thme and Horus. Thme speaks to you:

You have entered into the Immeasurable region where the Kerubim

guard the Gates of Eden. Prepare this temple to reflect the ancient

temple in the Wilderness, the Tabernacle of Adonai. Prepare thyself

to pass through the Threshold of the Divine Wisdom.

Anubis leads you outinto the antechamber where you spend a few moments rehearsing

the Fourfold Breath and meditating on the image of the Flaming Sword. Perform

the Qabalistic Cross to once again equilibrate the Elemental energies within your aura.

When ready, set up the temple in accordance with the final part of the ritual.

Changes in the temple setup for the second segment of the ritual: pillars are

moved to the West of the altar. Remove the diagram of the Flaming Sword. The

diagram of the Table of Shewbread should be placed in the Northeastern part of

the Hall, while that of the Seven-branched Candlestick belongs in the Southeast.

Upon the altar should be the cross within the triangle, a cup of water to the left, a

red candle or lamp to the right, and a censer of incense at the apex of the triangle.

The station of the Hegemon is on the Western side of the altar. The station of the

Hiereus is in the West of the temple. The station of the Stolistes is behind the black

pillar. The station of Dadouchos is behind the white pillar. The station of the Keryx

is in the Northwest. The Phylax is without the Hall. Leave the Water cup of

Stolistes and the censer of Dadouchos in the West of the temple just inside the

door. Have the piece of paper that you prepared earlier close at-hand. .

PART 2: Advancement-·Second Segment

After setting up the hall, spend a few moments in relaxed meditation in the

antechamber. VISualize the Earth triangle once more and perform the Qabalistic

Cross. When finished, stand just outside the temple door and give the Battery of

knocks: 4-3-3. VISualize all of the astral officer/ godforms at their respective stations.

Anubis bids you to enter. Remain just inside the door. The voice of Osiris

speaks to you from the East:

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