Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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tion in the West of the temple. Instructed by the Keryx, you advance between the

pillars. The form of the Hegemon (Thme) rises East of the pillars to bar your further

progress into the temple with her scepter. Thme speaks:

Thou canst not enter the Holy Place, unless thou canst give the

Sign and Grip of a Zelator.

You give the Zelator Sign and Step. Youthen exchange the Grip of the grade with

the officer/ godform. Thme nods as Anubis returns to his station. She speaks:

Having made Offering at the brazen altar, having been cleansed at

the Laver, and having passed the tests prescribed for thee, thou

mayest enter the Holy Place.

Take a step forward toward the altar. At this point return in your mind's eye to the

guided visualization of the Courtyard of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. Imagine

the following:

Past the Laver of Brass is the entrance to the Tabernacle.The structure

itself is a large and magnificent tent supported by boards of

wood overlaid with gold and silver. Four successive coverings of

curtains cover the sides of the Tabernacle. The three outer curtains

are constructed from goats' hair, badger skins and red-dyed ram

skins. The entrance into the sanctuary is composed of curtains

hung from seven mighty pillars.

In your mind's eye you enter the outer chamber of the

Tabernacle known as the Holy Place. The inner curtain is a sensuous

linen embroidered with the figures of the Kerubim in blue, violet

and red. Surrounded on all

sides by such rich decorations,

you notice that to your left is a

low table of bread, to your right

is a large candelabrum, and in

the center of the room is a golden

altar, beyond which is a curtain

of sumptuous cloth thatveils the

innermost Sanctuary, as yet concealed

from you. The scent of

Frankincense fills the room.

The officer/ godform of the

Hegemon takes you by the hand

and leads you Northeast of the

altar, where a diagram is located.

Inyour mind's eye you picture an

The Table of Shew-bread oblong golden table with legs.

Upon this table are placed twelve

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