Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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SECTION 3: The Elementals

~An Elemental is a nonphysical entity having a nature that is com­

posed entirely of one of the four magical Elements. They are the

Ii \7 invisible counterparts of visible Nature, or the spiritual essence of

V the Elements. Whereas humans, Angels, Archangels and higher

V spiritual beings have composite natures, Elementals are composed

of only one etheric essence. In the spiritual realms, Elementals

occupy a place between human beings and higher entities such as Angels and

Archangels.v The Four Orders of the Elementals are:


1. Gnomes-The Spirits of Earth 2. Sylphs-The Spirits of Air

3. Undines-The Spirits of Water 4. Salamanders-The Spirits of Fire

These four Orders are the essential spiritual beings called upon to praise

God in the BenediciteOmnia Opera(literal translation: "Blessed are his Works.")36

GNOMES: The name of these beings is derived from the Greek word

genomos, meaning "Earth dweller." The gnomes work in an Element so close in vibration

to the physical Earth that they have immense power over the rocks and vegetation,

as well as the mineral Elements in the bodily makeup of humans and animals.

They work with the stones, gems and metals and are said to be the guardians of hidden

treasures. Various mythic traditions have depicted several types of Gnomes such

as satyrs, brownies, elves and dryads. Gnomes are supposed to be patient and hardworking,

but can be malicious and difficult. Because of their Earth nature, they are

assigned to the North. The King of the Gnomes is called Ghob. 37

SYLPHS: These beings dwell not in the physical atmosphere, but in the

incorporeal spiritual substance which is similar to the Earth's atmosphere, although

far more subtle. They are the highest group of Elementals because their Element has

the highest vibrational rate. The wind and clouds are said to be their vehicle. Mythology

usually depicts them as winged fayes or fairies. The Air Spirits are erratic,

changeable creatures that move with the speed of lightning. They work through the

ethers and gases of the Earth and indirectly with the human nervous system. Sylphs

are beneficent, mirthful and inspirational to humans, especially artists and poets.

They are assigned to the Eastern quarter. The King of the Sylphs, called Paralda, is

said to dwell in the clouds surmounting the highest mountain peak.

UNDINES: These entities function in the incorporeal spiritual essence

called humid or liquid ether. The vibratory rate of this substance is close to that of

the Element of Water. Thus the Undines are able to control and manipulate the

flow of Water in Nature. They also work with the vital fluids it). plants, animals

and humans. In mythology, Undines are given various forms, such as Water

35 The Greeks assigned the name daimon or "spirit" to some of these beings. The Church lumped all

elemental entities together under a corruption of this word, demon, which carries with it an evil connotation.

This is an injustice, since Nature spirits are essentially no more malicious than are plants,

animals and rocks.

36 This is a reference to a passage from the Book of Revelation.

37 In Medieval times, the subjects of Ghob were called Goblins.

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