Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 121

Visualize the godform of Auramoouth leaving her

station near the pillar. She approaches you and traces

the symbol of the chalice in the air before you. The

goddess then hands you her cup. Picking up the

Water cup you dip your fingers into the fluid. Trace

the symbol of a cross on your own forehead. Then

trace the three points of the invoking Water triangle.

At this point return in your mind's eye to the guided

visualization of the Courtyard of the Tabernacle in

the Wilderness and imagine the following:

The Laver of Brass

Past the brazen altar where the remains of the sacrifice are still

burning, you see before you a huge Laver or vessel made of brass. It

is quite large and round, standing upon a square brazen foot. The

foot forms a hollow basin for receiving water which falls from several

faucets on the main body of the Laver.The entire surface of the

Laver is adorned with figures of Kerubic creatures and palm trees.

As a new sacrifice is prepared for the altar, several priests

come forward to wash pieces of the slain beast for a more perfect

offering. Other priests use the water from the Laver's spigots to

wash their feet and hands before entering the Holy Place. Their

prayers are incessant, along with the sound of splashing water.

As you continue to meditate on the Brazen Laver, dip your

finger into the cup of Stolistes. Mark in succession a small cross on

your forehead, breast, right shoulder and left shoulder while performing

the Qabalistic Cross. (Think of this action as part of your

desire to unite with the Divine Self.)

When you feel ready, bring your consciousness back to the Zelator Hall. Put down

the cup and say:

Having madeoffering at theAltarofSacrifice, andhaving been cleansed at

theLAver ofBrass, thePriest then entered theHolyPlace.

The astral officer/ godforms of Stolistes and Dadouchos return to their stations.

Anubis as the Keryx leads you to the Westof the temple. He then leads you forward

toward the imposing figure of the Hiereus (Horus) who guards the Path between

the pillars and who now threatens you with his sword. Horus speaks:

Thou canst not pass the Gateway which is between the pillars.

unless thou canst give the Signs and Words of a Neophyte.

You give the Projection Sign and the Sign of Silence. Then you give the Step and

exchange the Neophyte Grip, along with the Grand Word "HAR-PAR-KRAT" with

the Hiereus. Satisfied with your performance, the Hiereus steps back to his posi-

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