Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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he four Elemental grades beyond Neophyte represent an understanding

of the Elements within the psychological and spiritual

makeup of the candidate. The initiation ceremonies of these Elemental

grades are those of the Zelator, Theoricus, Practicus and Philoso­

" '. I. phusP which are each referred to one of the four Elements of the

"~' Tetragrammaton: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. As a group, these four

grades represent the essential work of the Golden Dawn, that is to equilibrate the

Elemental forces within the psyche of the aspirant. These "inner Elements" can be

characterized as distinct sections of the subconscious mind. The process undertaken

by an initiate advancing throughthe grades is truly an alchemical one; the

psychic mechanism of the candidate undergoes a kind of dissolution during the

ceremony of the Neophyte. The integral Elements are awakened and purified

through the Elemental grade ceremonies, until at length all of the base components

are consecrated and integrated back into the psyche of the Initiate.

The first step is of course to awaken the Elemental portions;'for unless

their existence is realized, the work of alchemical transformation cannot take

place. Through symbol and ceremony, the initiation rites of each grade summon

forth the spirits and entities of a particular Element. Contact with a specific Elemental

force produces a kind of magnetic attraction, whereby the corresponding

Elemental energy is awakened within the sphere of the aspirant. Only then can

further advancement and growth take place. Thus aroused, the Elemental portions

of the mind become consecrated to union with the Higher Self and ultimately

to the consummation of the Great Work. This process allows the initiate to

bring vast amounts of energy and inspiration from the formerly untapped subconscious

depths into the domain of the conscious mind where it can be utilized

for further spiritual growth.

The Element offered for the act of transmutation in this grade is Earthspecifically

the Earthy part of the aspirant's psyche. This ritual is the first to truly

confer the title of initiateupon the candidate, symbolically launching his/her initial

step onto the Tree of Life. Thus do the numbers 1 = 10 refer to this important

first step onto the Tenth Sephirah, Malkuth. The Zelator Grade lays the foundation

for all subsequent Elemental transmutations within the aspirant's sphere of sensation.

The name Zelator comes from a Greek word for "zealot."

27 All of these names, along with that of Neophyte, are titles of traditional Rosicrucian grades.


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