Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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wouldst defend allworthy Aspirants on thePath ofWisdom! Speak onmy

behalfbefore theassembly of thegods! Counsel andguide mein my quest

for theLightDivine! This I askin theName of theIneffable One!

Visualize the form.strongly. See itbreathe with life. The goddess places her scales

over your body-the two halves of the scales balancing from your right shoulder

to your left shoulder. The scales are absorbed into your body-into your shoulders

and arms-merging into the flesh. The balance point of the scales is absorbed into

your heart center, becoming one with it. You feel strengthened by this blending.

The goddess Themis then hands you the golden chalice of nectar to drink from.

You taste its pure sweet essence. A sensation of warm. white Light washes over

you. The drink invigorates you and leaves you with a feeling of calm and balance.

Meditate for a few moments on the godform of Themis before allowing her to fade

gently from your sphere of awareness.

Slowly dissolve the yellow ovoid surrounding you. When you are ready, perform

the Adoration to the Lord of the Universe, followed by the Battery of four knocks

and the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Keep a written record of any impressions or insights gained during the


Second Month-Meditation 2: Maat

Take a ritual bath and perform. a ritual of relaxation. Beseated comfortably in your

temple space. Light the yellow candle in the center of your temple space. Burn

incense or scented oil, preferably frankincense or cinnamon.

Perform. the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Perform.the Adoration to the Lord of the Universe. Then sound the Battery of four

knocks. Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting in a violet ovoid shape. Say:

Through the DivineName of Tetragrammaton, YHVH, (Yode-Heh-Vav­

Heh) I, (state name) proclaim myselfto be ahumble seeker after theLight

of Wisdom andthe Splendor of the Divine. From thisdayforward I shall

striveeverto prove myselfa trueandworthycandidate for initiation into

the Mysteries. To this end I seek the guidance of Themis in her more

ancient form as thegoddess MAAT, that she might reveal herselfto me

andintercede on mybehalfbefore theGuardians oftheSacred Knowledge.

Again give the Battery of four knocks. Intone the name of the goddess MAAT a"

number of times. As you do so, the violet ovoid shape surrounding you changes

to brilliant yellow.

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