Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Alchemist's viewon metals is very different from that of the metallurgist.

The former sees metals as living things equal to animals and vegetables. And like all

things in nature, they undergo natural evolution of birth, growth and increase. Metals

contain their own "seed" for further growth. Under different conditions, this seed

can be transformed, but only through nature. That is why in many Alchemical treatises,

the practitioner is told time and time again to let the work of transformation

proceed at various stages naturally, "without the laying on of hands."(X

Alchemical Terms and Symbols

ACETUM PHILOSOPHORUM: A synonym for "virgin's milk," Philosophic

Mercury, or "Secret Fire."

ADAM: The archetypal man. The animus.

ADAMIC EARTH: The "Primal Element" or the "true oil of Gold" which is only

once removed from the pure homogenous Element.

ADROP: Philosophic lead or antimony.

AERIS: Elemental Air.

AES HERMETIS: A term for Mercury. Said to be lithe thing containing the thing


AESCH MEZAREPH (Hebrew): "The Purifying Fire." An Alchemical/Qabalistic

workcollected from The Kabalah Denudata of Knorr Von Rosenroth.

AID: Steam or vapor.

AIR: In practical Alchemy this refers to the vapor arising from metals.

ALCHEMICAL MARRIAGE: The completion of the Great Work. The union of

the King and Queen.

ALBEDO: A state where matter is stainless and no longer liable to decay.

ALKAHEST: Secret Fire. A universal liquid solvent.

ALEMBROTH: Philosophical Salt. Salt of Art. Part of the nature of metals.

ALLOY: Combination. The union of Fire and Water, male and female.

ALOOHOPH: The Earth Element in its incorporeal state. Also Earth of Spirit.

AMALGAM: Mixture of metals through fusion.

AMRITA: The First Matter transmuted.

AN: The Father, or Sulfur.

ANIMA: The feminine portion of the masculine psyche. The inner personality.

ANIMUS: The masculine portion of the feminine psyche.

ANSIR: The Son, or Mercury.

ANSIRARTO: The Holy Ghost of the Trinity, or Salt.

ANTIMONY: A poison which in certain doses acts as a powerful medicinal remedy.

This substance is also a chemical paradox, having all the properties of

a white metal while at times appearing as a non-metal. It is obtained from

a sulphide known as Stibnite by heating it with iron. (There are four forms

of antimony: a gray metal, a black soot, an unstable yellow and an explosive


APR (Hebrew): Powder or Ash.

AQUA: Elemental Water.

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