Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade


The 0 = 0 grade ofNeophyte isa preparation for other grades, a threshold

before discipline, and it shows by its imagery the Light of the Hidden

Knowledge dawning in the Darkness ofCreation. I amnowabout tobegin

to analyze and comprehend theNature of that Light. To thisendI stand

between thepillars, in theGateway where thesecrets ofthe0 = 0 grade were

communicated tome. I shall nowprepare toenter theImmeasurable region.

And Tetragrammaton Elohim planted agarden Eastward in Eden, andout

of the ground made Tetragrammaton Elohim to grow every tree that is

pleasant tothesight andgood forfood; theTree ofLife also, in themidstof

theGarden, andtheTree ofKnowledge ofGood andofEvil. This is theTree

thathas twoPaths, andit is theTenth Sephirah Malkuth, andit hasabout

it seven columns, andtheFour Splendors whirl about it asin theVision of

theMerkabah ofEzekiel; andfrom Gedulah it derives andinfluxofMercy,

andfrom Geburah an influxof Severity, andtheTree of theKnowledge of

Good andof Evil shall it be until it is united with theSupernals in Daath.

But theGood which is'under it is called theArchangel Metatron, andthe

Evil is called the Archangel Samael, and between them lies thestraight

andnarrow waywhere theArchangel Sandalphon keeps watch. The Souls

andtheAngelsare above its branches, andtheQlippoth or Demons dwell

under its roots.

The officer/ form of the Hierophant speaks:

Let the Neophyte enter the Pathway of Evil.

The officer/ godform of the Keryx steps in front of you and leads you in a North­

Eastern direction to the station of the Hiereus, The form of the Hiereus rises up

before you with a threatening attitude. He lunges between you and the Keryxhis

sword at your chest. No longer does he have the appearance of Mighty Horus.

He has instead taken on the countenance of a dark menacing bird-like being with

flaming ruby colored eyes.

Whence comest Thou? (He snarls.)

(Youanswer:) I comefrom between thetwopillars andI seek theLight of

theHidden Knowledge in theName ofAdonai.

The dark Angel seems somewhat appeased.

And the Great Angel Samael answered and said: I am the Prince of

Darkness and of Night.The foolishand rebellious gaze upon the face

of the created World, and find therein nothing but terror and obscurity.lt

is to them the Terrorof Darkness and they are as drunken men

stumbling in the Darkness. Return for thou canst not pass by.

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