Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Neophyte Grade


Horus speaks:

Thou hast known me now, so pass thou on. Fear is truly failure, and

he who trembles at the flame and at the flood and at the shadows

of the Air, hath no part in God.

Give a knock. Visualize the Keryx and the Hegemon continuing to lead you in the

procession. As you pass the Hiereus in the West, imagine a loud knock. When you

pass the Hierophant, another knock is heard, and you mentally intone the name of

"KETHER." As you reach the North, the Keryx stops you again. Anubis speaks:

Unpurified and unconsecrated, thou canst not enter the path of

the East!

Auramoouth steps forward and traces the symbol of the cup in the air before you.

With the Water, mark your forehead with the symbols of the cross and Water triangle

as before. Say: "I am purified with Water."

Thaum-Esh-Neith steps forward and traces the symbol of the Fylfot Cross in the

air before you. Wave the censer in front of your forehead in the figures of the cross

and Fire triangle. Say: "I am consecrated with Fire."

Thme speaks:

Child of Earth, thrice purified and thrice consecrated, thou mayest

approach the gateway of the East.

Continue to the East where the form of the Hierophant stands. The great god

Osiris with crown-headed wand and white banner bars your advance:

Osiris speaks:

Thou canst not pass by me, sayeth the Guardian of the East,

unless thou canst tell me my name.

(Say:) Light dawning in Darkness is thy Name, the Light of a Golden

Day. After theformless andthe Void and theDarkness, thencometh the

knowledge of the Light. Thou art that Light which ariseth in Darkness.

Thou art theExorcist in themidstof theExorcism. Unbalanced Power is

theebbing away oflife. Unbalanced Mercy isweakness andthefading out

of the Will. Unbalanced Severity is cruelty and the barrenness of mind.

Thou art thewielder of theforces ofBalance.

Thou hast known me now, so pass thou on to the Cubical Altar of

the Universe. .

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